Member | Description |
Area | Area chart. |
Area3D | Area chart with a 3-D visual effect. |
AreaStacked | Area chart with stacked values. |
AreaStacked100 | Area chart with 100% stacked values. |
AreaStacked1003D | Area chart with 100% stacked values and a 3-D visual effect. |
AreaStacked3D | Area chart with stacked values and a 3-D visual effect. |
BarClustered | Clustered bar chart. |
BarClustered3D | Clustered bar chart with a 3-D visual effect. |
BarOfPie | Bar of pie chart. |
BarStacked | Bar chart with stacked values. |
BarStacked100 | Bar chart with 100% stacked values. |
BarStacked1003D | Bar chart with 100% stacked values and a 3-D visual effect. |
BarStacked3D | Bar chart with stacked values and a 3-D visual effect. |
Bubble | Bubble chart. |
Bubble3DEffect | Bubble chart with a 3-D visual effect. |
Column3D | Column chart with a 3-D visual effect. |
ColumnClustered | Clustered column chart. |
ColumnClustered3D | Clustered column chart with a 3-D visual effect. |
ColumnStacked | Column chart with stacked values. |
ColumnStacked100 | Column chart with 100% stacked values. |
ColumnStacked1003D | Column chart with 100% stacked values and a 3-D visual effect. |
ColumnStacked3D | Column chart with stacked values and a 3-D visual effect. |
Combination | Combination chart. |
ConeBarClustered | Clustered bar chart with a 3-D visual effect and bars shaped like cones. |
ConeBarStacked | Bar chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like cones. |
ConeBarStacked100 | Bar chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like cones. |
ConeCol | Column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like cones. |
ConeColClustered | Clustered column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like cones. |
ConeColStacked | Column chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like cones. |
ConeColStacked100 | Column chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like cones. |
CylinderBarClustered | Clustered bar chart with a 3-D visual effect and bars shaped like cylinders. |
CylinderBarStacked | Bar chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like cylinders. |
CylinderBarStacked100 | Bar chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like cylinders. |
CylinderCol | Column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like cylinders. |
CylinderColClustered | Clustered column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like cylinders. |
CylinderColStacked | Column chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like cylinders. |
CylinderColStacked100 | Column chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like cylinders. |
Doughnut | Doughnut chart. |
DoughnutExploded | Doughnut chart with exploded values. |
Line | Line chart. |
Line3D | Line chart with a 3-D visual effect. |
LineMarkers | Line chart with markers at each value. |
LineMarkersStacked | Line chart with stacked values and markers at each value. |
LineMarkersStacked100 | Line chart with 100% stacked values and markers at each value. |
LineStacked | Line chart with stacked values. |
LineStacked100 | Line chart with 100% stacked values. |
Pie | Pie chart. |
Pie3D | Pie chart with a 3-D visual effect. |
PieExploded | Pie chart with exploded values. |
PieExploded3D | Pie chart with exploded values and a 3-D visual effect. |
PieOfPie | Pie of pie chart. |
PyramidBarClustered | Clustered bar chart with a 3-D visual effect and bars shaped like pyramids. |
PyramidBarStacked | Bar chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like pyramids. |
PyramidBarStacked100 | Bar chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like pyramids. |
PyramidCol | Column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like pyramids. |
PyramidColClustered | Clustered column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like pyramids. |
PyramidColStacked | Column chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like pyramids. |
PyramidColStacked100 | Column chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like pyramids. |
Radar | Radar chart. |
RadarFilled | Radar chart with the data area filled with color. |
RadarMarkers | Radar chart with markers at each value. |
StockHLC | High-Low-Close stock chart (Requires three series). |
StockOHLC | Open-High-Low-Close stock chart (Requires four series). |
StockVHLC | Volume-High-Low-Close stock chart (Requires four series). |
StockVOHLC | Volume-Open-High-Low-Close stock chart (Requires five series). |
Surface | Surface chart with a 3-D visual effect (Requires minimum of two series). |
SurfaceTopView | Surface chart viewed from above (Requires minimum of two series). |
SurfaceTopViewWireframe | Surface chart viewed from above with no fill color (Requires minimum of two series). |
SurfaceWireframe | Surface chart with a 3-D visual effect and no fill color (Requires minimum of two series). |
XYScatter | Scatter chart with markers at each value. |
XYScatterLines | Scatter chart with markers at each value and lines connecting each data point. |
XYScatterLinesNoMarkers | Scatter chart with lines connecting each data point without markers. |
XYScatterSmooth | Scatter chart with markers at each value and smoothed lines connecting each data point. |
XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers | Scatter chart with smoothed lines connecting each data point without markers. |