SpreadsheetGear 2012
IWorksheetWindowInfo Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IWorksheetWindowInfo.

Public Properties
 PropertyActiveCellReturns an instance of IRange representing the active cell.  
 PropertyActiveCellAreaIndexReturns the index of the area of the active cell.  
 PropertyActivePaneReturns the active pane.  
 PropertyDisplayFormulasGets or sets the property which specifies whether formulas are displayed in worksheet cells instead of values.  
 PropertyDisplayGridlinesGets or sets the property which specifies whether gridlines are displayed for the worksheet.  
 PropertyDisplayHeadingsGets or sets the property which specifies whether row and column headings are displayed for the worksheet.  
 PropertyDisplayOutlineGets or sets the property which specifies whether outlines are displayed for the worksheet.  
 PropertyDisplayRightToLeftReturns true if the worksheet is displayed right to left.  
 PropertyDisplayZerosGets or sets the property which specifies whether zero values are displayed for the worksheet.  
 PropertyFreezePanesGets or sets the property which specifies whether window panes are frozen for the worksheet.  
 PropertyGridlineColorGets or sets the color to use for gridlines.  
 PropertyGridlineColorIndexGets or sets the index of the color to use for gridlines.  
 PropertyPanesReturns the collection of window panes associated with the worksheet.  
 PropertyRangeSelectionGets or sets the range selection associated with this IWorksheetWindowInfo.  
 PropertyScrollColumnGets or sets the left column displayed in the window.  
 PropertyScrollRowGets or sets the top row displayed in the window.  
 PropertyShapeSelectionGets or sets the shape selection associated with this IWorksheetWindowInfo.  
 PropertySplitColumnsGets or sets the number of columns displayed to the left of the split.  
 PropertySplitHorizontalGets or sets the position of the horizontal split in points.  
 PropertySplitRowsGets or sets the number of rows displayed above the split.  
 PropertySplitVerticalGets or sets the position of the vertical split in points.  
 PropertyViewGets or sets whether the worksheet is viewed normally or in page break preview mode.  
 PropertyWorksheetGets the worksheet which this window information refers to.  
 PropertyZoomGets or sets the scaling factor for displaying in a window.  
Public Methods
 MethodColumnToPointsConverts from a zero based fractional column position to points (1/72 of an inch).  
 MethodPointsToColumnConverts from points (1/72 of an inch) to a zero based fractional column position.  
 MethodPointsToRowConverts from points (1/72 of an inch) to a zero based fractional row position.  
 MethodRowToPointsConverts from a zero based fractional row position to points (1/72 of an inch).  
 MethodSetSelectionOverloaded. Selects the specified range and activates the specified cell.  
See Also


IWorksheetWindowInfo Interface
SpreadsheetGear Namespace
WindowInfo Property
IWorkbookWindowInfo Interface

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