SpreadsheetGear 2012
SpreadsheetGear Namespace (SpreadsheetGear2012)
Inheritance Hierarchy

The SpreadsheetGear namespace consists primarily of interfaces along with a few classes and enumerations which provide access to the SpreadsheetGear spreadsheet model.

ClassAutoFilterDateTimeGroupItem Represents a year, month, day, hour, minute or second to show in an autofiltered worksheet.
ClassColorIndex ColorIndex provides special constants which specify that a color should be Automatic or None (transparent).
ClassColors Contains a set of predefined colors.
ClassDefaultSystemColors Contains a set of default system colors.
ClassEndCalculateEventArgs Provides data for an EndCalculate event.
ClassFactory The Factory class provides static methods for creating instances of IWorkbookSet and IWorkbook.
ClassOrientation Provides commonly used values for the SpreadsheetGear.IRange.Orientation property.
ClassSortKey Specifies sort key information.
ClassSystemColors Contains a set of predefined system colors.
InterfaceIAreas Represents a collection of ranges, each of which represent a single contiguous range of one or more cells.
InterfaceIAutoFilter Represents the autofilter options of a worksheet.
InterfaceIBorder Represents the color, style, and weight of a border.
InterfaceIBorders Represents the border color, border style, and border weight of a cell or range of cells.
InterfaceICharacters Represents the font and text of a range of characters in a text cell or shape.
InterfaceIChartSheet Represents a chart sheet.
InterfaceIColors Represents the color palette of a workbook.
InterfaceIComment Represents a cell comment.
InterfaceIDialogSheet Represents a dialog sheet in a workbook.
InterfaceIFilter Represents an individual filter associated with a set of autofilters.
InterfaceIFilters Represents the collection of filters associated with the autofilter of a worksheet.
InterfaceIFont Represents the font of a cell, range or object. Setting the properties of an instance of IFont modifies the font properties of the represented cell, range or object.
InterfaceIFormatCondition Represents a conditional format.
InterfaceIFormatConditions Represents the conditional formats associated with a range.
InterfaceIHPageBreak Represents a horizontal page break (a row page break) in a worksheet.
InterfaceIHPageBreaks Represents the collection of horizontal page breaks (row page breaks) in a worksheet.
InterfaceIHyperlink Represents a hyperlink.
InterfaceIHyperlinks Represents a hyperlink collection.
InterfaceIInterior Represents the interior of a cell, range or object.
InterfaceIModule Represents a module.
InterfaceIName Represents a defined name.
InterfaceINames Represents the collection of defined names in a workbook or worksheet.
InterfaceIOutline Represents the outlining options of a worksheet.
InterfaceIPageSetup Represents the page setup properties of a worksheet.
InterfaceIPane Represents a worksheet window pane.
InterfaceIPanes Represents the collection of window panes associated with a worksheet.
InterfaceIPrintable Marks a class or interface as being printable.
InterfaceIRange Represents one or more cells, rows, columns, or ranges of cells.
InterfaceISheet The base interface of all sheets in a workbook, including worksheets, chart sheets, dialog sheets, macro sheets and VBA modules.
InterfaceISheets Represents all of the sheets in a workbook, including worksheets, chart sheets, dialog sheets, macro sheets and VBA modules.
InterfaceIStyle Represents an individual named cell style associated with a workbook.
InterfaceIStyles Represents the named cell styles associated with a workbook.
InterfaceITab Represents a sheet tab.
InterfaceIValidation Represents the data validation associated with a range of cells.
InterfaceIVPageBreak Represents a vertical page break (a column page break) in a worksheet.
InterfaceIVPageBreaks Represents the collection of vertical page breaks (column page breaks) in a worksheet.
InterfaceIWorkbook Represents a workbook.
InterfaceIWorkbooks Represents all of the workbooks in a workbook set.
InterfaceIWorkbookSet Manages a set of workbooks which may refer to each other by external cell references or external defined name references.
InterfaceIWorkbookWindowInfo Represents workbook specific window information.
InterfaceIWorksheet Represents a worksheet.
InterfaceIWorksheets Represents a collection of worksheets in a workbook.
InterfaceIWorksheetWindowInfo Represents worksheet specific window information.
StructureColor Represents a Color in the SpreadsheetGear API.
DelegateEndCalculateEventHandler Represents the method which handles an EndCalculate event.
EnumerationAutoFillType Specifies the type of fill to perform.
EnumerationAutoFilterDateTimeGrouping Specifies whether autofilter date / time grouping filters should be grouped by year, month, day, hour, minute or second.
EnumerationAutoFilterOperator Specifies the type of filter to apply to an autofilter column.
EnumerationBordersIndex Used as an index to IBorders to specify a border for a cell or range.
EnumerationBorderWeight Specifies the weight (thickness) of a border.
EnumerationCalculation Specifies whether a workbook set is calculated automatically.
EnumerationDataSeriesDate Specifies the type of date operation to be performed by the IRange.DataSeries method when DataSeriesType.Chronological is used.
EnumerationDataSeriesType Specifies the type of operation to be performed by the IRange.DataSeries method.
EnumerationDeleteShiftDirection Specifies whether to shift cells left or up to replace deleted cells.
EnumerationDisplayDrawingObjects Specifies whether drawing objects are displayed on worksheets.
EnumerationDynamicFilterCriteria Specifies the type of to apply to an auto column.
EnumerationFileFormat Specifies the file format with which to save a file.
EnumerationFindLookIn Specifies whether to search formulas or values.
EnumerationFormatConditionOperator Specifies the operator to be used by a conditional format.
EnumerationFormatConditionType Specifies whether a conditional format compares the values of cells of contains a formula.
EnumerationHAlign Specifies the horizontal alignment of a cell or object.
EnumerationInsertShiftDirection Specifies whether to shift existing cells right or down when inserting cells.
EnumerationLineStyle Specifies a line style for an object.
EnumerationLookAt Specifies whether to accept a partial match or require a complete match.
EnumerationNumberFormatType Specifies the type of a number format.
EnumerationOrder Specifies the order for printing.
EnumerationPageBreak Specifies whether a page break is automatic, manual or non-existent.
EnumerationPageBreakExtent Specifies the extent of a page break.
EnumerationPageOrientation Specifies whether to print in portrait or landscape mode.
EnumerationPaperSize Specifies the size of the paper to print on.
EnumerationPasteOperation Specifies how values are combined by IRange.Copy.
EnumerationPasteType Specifies what is copied by IRange.Copy.
EnumerationPattern Specifies the pattern of the interior of a cell or object.
EnumerationPrintErrors Specifies whether and how to print cell errors.
EnumerationPrintLocation Specifies whether and where to print cell comments.
EnumerationReferenceStyle Specifies whether to use A1 style or R1C1 style for cell references.
EnumerationSearchDirection Specifies whether to search forward (Next) or backward (Previous).
EnumerationSearchOrder Specifies whether to search by rows or by columns.
EnumerationSheetType Specifies the type of a sheet in a workbook.
EnumerationSheetVisibility Specifies the visibility of a worksheet.
EnumerationSortDataOption Specifies whether or not to sort text as numbers.
EnumerationSortOrder Specifies whether to sort in ascending order or descending order.
EnumerationSortOrientation Specifies whether to sort rows or columns.
EnumerationSummaryColumn Specifies whether summary columns are left of or to the right of detail columns.
EnumerationSummaryRow Specifies whether summary rows are above or below detail rows.
EnumerationUnderlineStyle Specifies the underline style of text.
EnumerationUpdateLinks Specifies how Excel updates links when a workbook is loaded.
EnumerationValidationAlertStyle Represents the alert style to be used when data validation fails and displays an alert.
EnumerationValidationOperator Represents the operator to be used with data validation types which require an operator.
EnumerationValidationType Represents the type of data validation associated with a range of cells.
EnumerationVAlign Specifies the vertical alignment of text.
EnumerationValueError Specifies the possible formula error conditions.
EnumerationValueType Specifies the type of a cell value.
EnumerationWindowView Specifies whether a worksheet is viewed normally or in page break preview mode.

The Factory class provides static methods for creating workbook sets and workbooks.

The IWorkbookSet interface is central to SpreadsheetGear, containing a set of workbooks and options which control the set of workbooks, including calculation options and methods. Related workbooks must be in the same workbook set if external formula references are to be updated during calculation.

The IWorkbookSet.Workbooks property returns an implementation of IWorkbooks which represents a collection of workbooks. Use this collection to add and open workbooks. Retrieve instances of IWorkbook from IWorkbooks by indexing with a zero based index number (workbooks[0]) or a workbook name (workbooks["Finance.xls"]).

IWorkbook provides properties and methods which affect a workbook, including methods to save and close workbooks.

The IWorkbook.Worksheets property returns an implementation of IWorksheets which represents a collection of worksheets. Retrieve instances of IWorksheet from IWorksheets by indexing with a zero based index number (worksheets[0]) or a worksheet name (worksheets["Sheet1"]) .

The IWorksheet.Cells property returns an implementation of IRange which represents all of the cells on a worksheet. Retrieve IRange objects which represent single cells or ranges of cells by indexing IWorksheet.Cells with a zero based row and column number (Cells[0, 0]), a string representing a cell (cells["A1"]), zero based starting and ending row numbers (Cells[row1, column1, row2, column2]) or a string representing a range (cells["B3:C5"]) or defined name (cells["JanuarySales"]).

The IRange interface provides properties to get and set cell attributes including values, formulas, number formats, fonts, borders, patterns and colors as well as methods to copy, insert, delete, copy from or to DataTables and more.

See Also


SpreadsheetGear2012 Assembly

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