IChartGroup Interface Members
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SpreadsheetGear.Charts Namespace : IChartGroup Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by IChartGroup.

Public Properties

 PropertyAxisGroup Returns the axis group that this chart group belongs to.  
 PropertyBubbleScale Gets or sets the percentage of the default bubble size to use for the size of bubbles on a bubble chart.  
 PropertyChart Returns an instance of IChart which represents the parent chart of this chart group.  
 PropertyDoughnutHoleSize Gets or sets the percentage of the chart size to use for the size of the hole in a doughnut chart.  
 PropertyDownBars Returns an instance of IDownBars which represents the down bars on a line chart.  
 PropertyDropLines Returns an instance of IDropLines which represents the drop lines on a line or area chart.  
 PropertyFirstSliceAngle Gets or sets the angle, in degrees, of the first slice in a pie or doughnut chart.  
 PropertyGapWidth Gets or sets the distance between bars in a clustered bar chart as a percentage of the bar width, or the distance between each plotted section in a pie of pie chart.  
 PropertyHas3DShading Gets or sets the property which specifies whether a surface chart has 3D shading.  
 PropertyHasDropLines Gets or sets the property which specifies whether a line or area chart has drop lines.  
 PropertyHasHiLoLines Gets or sets the property which specifies whether a line chart has high-low lines.  
 PropertyHasRadarAxisLabels Gets or sets the property which specifies whether a radar chart has axis labels.  
 PropertyHasSeriesLines Gets or sets the property which specifies whether a stacked bar or pie of pie chart has series lines.  
 PropertyHasUpDownBars Gets or sets the property which specifies whether a line chart has up and down bars.  
 PropertyHiLoLines Returns an instance of IHiLoLines which represents the high-low lines on a line chart.  
 PropertyIndex Returns the zero based index of this chart group.  
 PropertyOverlap Gets or sets the overlap or space between bars within a category as a percentage of the bar width.".  
 PropertyRadarAxisLabels Returns an instance of ITickLabels which represents the axis labels on a radar chart.  
 PropertySecondPlotSize Gets or sets the size of the second plot as a percentage of the size of the first plot on a pie of pie chart.  
 PropertySeriesCollection Returns an instance of ISeriesCollection which represents all of the series of this chart group.  
 PropertySeriesLines Returns an instance of ISeriesLines which represents the series lines on a stacked bar or pie of pie chart.  
 PropertyShowNegativeBubbles Gets or sets the property which specifies whether bubbles with negative values are shown on a bubble chart.  
 PropertySizeRepresents Gets or sets the property which specifies what the size values represent on a bubble chart.  
 PropertySplitType Gets or sets the property which specifies how values are split on a pie of pie chart.  
 PropertySplitValue Gets or set the property which specifies the separation value on a pie of pie chart.  
 PropertyUpBars Returns an instance of IUpBars which represents the up bars on a line chart.  
 PropertyVaryByCategories Gets or sets the property which specifies whether colors are varied for each data point of the first series in a chart containing only one series.  

See Also

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