| Interface | Description |
 | IAxes |
Represents the axes of a chart.
 | IAxis |
Represents a chart axis.
 | IAxisTitle |
Represents the title of an axis.
 | IChart |
Represents a chart which may be a shape on a worksheet or a chart sheet in a workbook.
 | IChartArea |
Represents the chart area of a chart.
 | IChartFormat |
Represents the formatting options of various chart objects.
 | IChartGroup |
Represents options for one or more series of a chart.
 | IChartGroups |
Represents a collection of chart groups associated with a chart.
 | IChartTitle |
Represents the chart title of a chart.
 | IDataLabel |
Represents a single data label of a data point or trendline.
 | IDataLabels |
Represents all of the data labels of a series.
 | IDataTable |
Represents a chart data table.
 | IDownBars |
Represents the down bars on a line chart.
 | IDropLines |
Represents the drop lines on a line or area chart.
 | IErrorBars |
Represents the error bars of a series.
 | IFloor |
Represents the floor area of a 3D chart.
 | IGridlines |
Represents the major or minor gridlines of an axis.
 | IHasAxis |
Represents the properties used to determine which axes are displayed on a chart.
 | IHiLoLines |
Represents the high-low lines on a line chart.
 | ILeaderLines |
Represents the leader lines of a series.
 | ILegend |
Represents a chart legend.
 | IPlotArea |
Represents the plot area of a chart.
 | IPoint |
Represents a single data point of a series.
 | IPoints |
Represents all of the data points of a series.
 | ISeries |
Represents a chart series.
 | ISeriesCollection |
Represents all of the series of a chart or chart group.
 | ISeriesLines |
Represents the series lines on a stacked bar or pie of pie chart.
 | ITickLabels |
Represents the axis labels of an axis.
 | ITrendline |
Represents a trendline of a series.
 | ITrendlines |
Represents all of the trendlines of a series.
 | IUpBars |
Represents the up bars on a line chart.
 | IWalls |
Represents the front and side wall area of a 3D chart.