IAxis Interface Members
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SpreadsheetGear.Charts Namespace : IAxis Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by IAxis.

Public Properties

 PropertyAxisBetweenCategories Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the value axis crosses between categories on the category axis.  
 PropertyAxisGroup Returns the axis group that this axis belongs to.  
 PropertyAxisTitle Returns an instance of IAxisTitle which represents the title of this axis.  
 PropertyBaseUnit Gets or sets the property which specifies the base time unit for a category axis with a time-scale.  
 PropertyBaseUnitIsAuto Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the base unit is automatically set based on the category axis data.  
 PropertyCategoryType Gets or sets the property which specifies the scale type on a category axis.  
 PropertyCrosses Gets or sets the property which specifies where the other axis crosses this axis.  
 PropertyCrossesAt Gets or sets the property which specifies a custom value where the other axis crosses this axis.  
 PropertyFormat Returns an instance of IChartFormat which represents the formatting options of this axis.  
 PropertyHasMajorGridlines Gets or sets the property which specifies whether an axis has major gridlines.  
 PropertyHasMinorGridlines Gets or sets the property which specifies whether an axis has minor gridlines.  
 PropertyHasTitle Gets or sets the property which specifies whether an axis has a title.  
 PropertyMajorGridlines Returns an instance of IGridlines which represents the major gridlines of this axis.  
 PropertyMajorTickMark Gets or sets the property which specifies the type of major tick marks on an axis.  
 PropertyMajorUnit Gets or sets the property which specifies the major unit of an axis.  
 PropertyMajorUnitIsAuto Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the major unit is automatically determined on an axis.  
 PropertyMajorUnitScale Gets or sets the property which specifies the major time unit for a category axis with a time-scale.  
 PropertyMaximumScale Gets or sets the property which specifies the maximum scale value of an axis.  
 PropertyMaximumScaleIsAuto Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the maximum scale value is automatically determined on an axis.  
 PropertyMinimumScale Gets or sets the property which specifies the minimum scale value of an axis.  
 PropertyMinimumScaleIsAuto Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the minimum scale value is automatically determined on an axis.  
 PropertyMinorGridlines Returns an instance of IGridlines which represents the minor gridlines of this axis.  
 PropertyMinorTickMark Gets or sets the property which specifies the type of minor tick marks on an axis.  
 PropertyMinorUnit Gets or sets the property which specifies the minor unit of an axis.  
 PropertyMinorUnitIsAuto Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the minor unit is automatically determined on an axis.  
 PropertyMinorUnitScale Gets or sets the property which specifies the minor time unit for a category axis with a time-scale.  
 PropertyReversePlotOrder Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the axis scale values are in reverse order.  
 PropertyScaleType Gets or sets the property which specifies the scale type on a value axis.  
 PropertyTickLabelPosition Gets or sets the property which specifies the tick label position on an axis.  
 PropertyTickLabels Returns an instance of ITickLabels which represents the tick labels of this axis.  
 PropertyTickLabelSpacing Gets or sets the property which specifies the number of categories between each tick label on a category axis.  
 PropertyTickLabelSpacingIsAuto Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the tick label spacing is automatically determined on an axis.  
 PropertyTickMarkSpacing Gets or sets the property which specifies the number of categories between each tick mark on a category axis.  
 PropertyType Returns the axis type.  

See Also

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