SpreadsheetGear 2012
IShapeRange Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IShapeRange.

Public Properties
 PropertyAutoShapeTypeGets or sets the AutoShapeType of the represented shapes.  
 PropertyAutoShapeTypeDefinedReturns true if the AutoShapeType property of all shapes represented by this IShapeRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyCountGets the number of shapes in this collection.  
 PropertyFillGets an instance of IFillFormat which represents the fill options of this shape collection.  
 PropertyHeightGets or sets the height of the represented shapes in points.  
 PropertyHeightDefinedReturns true if the Height property of all shapes represented by this IShapeRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyItemGets the IShape specified by the zero based index.  
 PropertyLeftGets or sets the left edge of the represented shapes (from the left edge of the sheet) in points.  
 PropertyLeftDefinedReturns true if the Left property of all shapes represented by this IShapeRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyLineGets an instance of ILineFormat which represents the line options of this shape collection.  
 PropertyLockAspectRatioGets or sets the flag which indicates whether the aspect ratio of represented shapes should be maintained when the shapes are resized.  
 PropertyLockAspectRatioDefinedReturns true if the LockAspectRatio property of all shapes represented by this IShapeRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyLockedGets or sets the flag which indicates whether the represented shapes can be modified when worksheet protection is enabled.  
 PropertyLockedDefinedReturns true if the Locked property of all shapes represented by this IShapeRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyPlacementGets or sets the Placement setting of the represented shapes, which specifies how changes to the worksheet will affect the placement of the shapes.  
 PropertyPlacementDefinedReturns true if the Placement property of all shapes represented by this IShapeRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyPrintObjectGets or sets the property which specifies whether the represented shapes should be printed.  
 PropertyPrintObjectDefinedReturns true if the PrintObject property of all shapes represented by this IShapeRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertySheetGets the ISheet associated with the represented shapes.  
 PropertyTextFrameGets an instance of ITextFrame which represents the text options of the shapes represented by this IShapeRange.  
 PropertyTopGets or sets the top edge of the represented shapes (from the top edge of the sheet) in points.  
 PropertyTopDefinedReturns true if the Top property of all shapes represented by this IShapeRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyWidthGets or sets the width of the represented shapes in points.  
 PropertyWidthDefinedReturns true if the Width property of all shapes represented by this IShapeRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
Public Methods
 MethodBringForwardBrings the shapes in this collection forward by one position.  
 MethodBringToFrontBrings the shapes in this collection to the front of all shapes.  
 MethodDeleteDeletes the represented shapes.  
 MethodGetEnumerator (Inherited from System.Collections.IEnumerable)
 MethodIncrementLeftIncrements the left edge of the represented shapes by the specified value in points.  
 MethodIncrementTopIncrements the top edge of the represented shapes by the specified value in points.  
 MethodScaleHeightScales the represented shapes by the specified factor from the original or current size and from the specified position.  
 MethodScaleWidthScales the represented shapes by the specified factor from the original or current size and from the specified position.  
 MethodSelectSelects the shapes in this IShapeRange, replacing any previously selected shapes if replace is true.  
 MethodSendBackwardSends the shapes in this collection backward by one position.  
 MethodSendToBackSends the shapes in this collection to the back of all shapes.  
See Also


IShapeRange Interface
SpreadsheetGear.Shapes Namespace
IShape Interface

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