| Name | Description |
| AutoShapeType | Gets or sets the auto shape type of this shape. |
| BottomRightCell | Gets an instance of IRange representing the cell under the lower right corner of this shape. |
| Chart | Returns the instance of IChart associated with this shape or null if there is no chart associated with this shape. |
| ControlFormat | Gets an instance of IControlFormat representing the control options of this shape, or null if this shape does not represent a control. |
| Fill | Gets an instance of IFillFormat which represents the fill options of this shape. |
| FormControlType | Gets the FormControlType of this shape. |
| GroupItems | Gets an IGroupShapes which represents the shapes making up a group, or null if this shape does not represent a group. |
| HasChart | Returns true if there is a chart associated with this shape. |
| Height | Gets or sets the height of this shape in points. |
| HorizontalFlip | Gets the flag which indicates whether this shape is flipped horizontally. |
| ID | Gets the id of this shape. |
| Left | Gets or sets the position of the left edge of this shape (from the left edge of the sheet) in points. |
| Line | Gets an instance of ILineFormat which represents the line options of this shape. |
| LockAspectRatio | Gets or sets the flag which indicates whether the aspect ratio of this shape is locked. |
| Locked | Gets or sets the flag which indicates whether this shape can be modified when sheet protection is enabled. |
| Name | Gets or sets the name of this shape. |
| ParentGroup | Returns the parent shape of this shape if this shape is part of a group, or returns null if this shape is not part of a group. |
| PictureFormat | Returns an IPictureFormat which represents the picture format options of this shape, or null if this shape does not represent a picture. |
| Placement | Gets or sets the Placement setting of this shape, which specifies how changes to the sheet will affect the placement of this shape. |
| PrintObject | Gets or sets the property which specifies whether this shape should be printed. |
| Sheet | Gets the ISheet associated with the represented shape. |
| TextFrame | Returns an ITextFrame which represents the text options of a shape. |
| Top | Gets or sets the position of the top edge of this shape (from the top edge of the sheet) in points. |
| TopLeftCell | Gets an IRange representing the cell under the upper left corner of this shape. |
| Type | Gets the type of this shape. |
| VerticalFlip | Gets the flag which indicates whether this shape is flipped vertically. |
| Visible | Gets the flag which specifies whether this shape is visible. |
| Width | Gets or sets the width of this shape in points. |
| ZOrderPosition | Gets the zero based Z-Order position of this shape which corresponds to this shapes position in it's parent shape collection. |