SpreadsheetGear 2010
ChartType Enumeration
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SpreadsheetGear.Charts Namespace : ChartType Enumeration

Specifies the chart type for the entire chart or an individual series.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum ChartType 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum ChartType : System.Enum 


Area Area chart.
Area3D Area chart with a 3-D visual effect.
AreaStacked Area chart with stacked values.
AreaStacked100 Area chart with 100% stacked values.
AreaStacked1003D Area chart with 100% stacked values and a 3-D visual effect.
AreaStacked3D Area chart with stacked values and a 3-D visual effect.
BarClustered Clustered bar chart.
BarClustered3D Clustered bar chart with a 3-D visual effect.
BarOfPie Bar of pie chart.
BarStacked Bar chart with stacked values.
BarStacked100 Bar chart with 100% stacked values.
BarStacked1003D Bar chart with 100% stacked values and a 3-D visual effect.
BarStacked3D Bar chart with stacked values and a 3-D visual effect.
Bubble Bubble chart.
Bubble3DEffect Bubble chart with a 3-D visual effect.
Column3D Column chart with a 3-D visual effect.
ColumnClustered Clustered column chart.
ColumnClustered3D Clustered column chart with a 3-D visual effect.
ColumnStacked Column chart with stacked values.
ColumnStacked100 Column chart with 100% stacked values.
ColumnStacked1003D Column chart with 100% stacked values and a 3-D visual effect.
ColumnStacked3D Column chart with stacked values and a 3-D visual effect.
Combination Combination chart.
ConeBarClustered Clustered bar chart with a 3-D visual effect and bars shaped like cones.
ConeBarStacked Bar chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like cones.
ConeBarStacked100 Bar chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like cones.
ConeCol Column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like cones.
ConeColClustered Clustered column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like cones.
ConeColStacked Column chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like cones.
ConeColStacked100 Column chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like cones.
CylinderBarClustered Clustered bar chart with a 3-D visual effect and bars shaped like cylinders.
CylinderBarStacked Bar chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like cylinders.
CylinderBarStacked100 Bar chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like cylinders.
CylinderCol Column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like cylinders.
CylinderColClustered Clustered column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like cylinders.
CylinderColStacked Column chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like cylinders.
CylinderColStacked100 Column chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like cylinders.
Doughnut Doughnut chart.
DoughnutExploded Doughnut chart with exploded values.
Line Line chart.
Line3D Line chart with a 3-D visual effect.
LineMarkers Line chart with markers at each value.
LineMarkersStacked Line chart with stacked values and markers at each value.
LineMarkersStacked100 Line chart with 100% stacked values and markers at each value.
LineStacked Line chart with stacked values.
LineStacked100 Line chart with 100% stacked values.
Pie Pie chart.
Pie3D Pie chart with a 3-D visual effect.
PieExploded Pie chart with exploded values.
PieExploded3D Pie chart with exploded values and a 3-D visual effect.
PieOfPie Pie of pie chart.
PyramidBarClustered Clustered bar chart with a 3-D visual effect and bars shaped like pyramids.
PyramidBarStacked Bar chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like pyramids.
PyramidBarStacked100 Bar chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and bars shaped like pyramids.
PyramidCol Column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like pyramids.
PyramidColClustered Clustered column chart with a 3-D visual effect and columns shaped like pyramids.
PyramidColStacked Column chart with stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like pyramids.
PyramidColStacked100 Column chart with 100% stacked values, a 3-D visual effect, and columns shaped like pyramids.
Radar Radar chart.
RadarFilled Radar chart with the data area filled with color.
RadarMarkers Radar chart with markers at each value.
StockHLC High-Low-Close stock chart (Requires three series).
StockOHLC Open-High-Low-Close stock chart (Requires four series).
StockVHLC Volume-High-Low-Close stock chart (Requires four series).
StockVOHLC Volume-Open-High-Low-Close stock chart (Requires five series).
Surface Surface chart with a 3-D visual effect (Requires minimum of two series).
SurfaceTopView Surface chart viewed from above (Requires minimum of two series).
SurfaceTopViewWireframe Surface chart viewed from above with no fill color (Requires minimum of two series).
SurfaceWireframe Surface chart with a 3-D visual effect and no fill color (Requires minimum of two series).
XYScatter Scatter chart with markers at each value.
XYScatterLines Scatter chart with markers at each value and lines connecting each data point.
XYScatterLinesNoMarkers Scatter chart with lines connecting each data point without markers.
XYScatterSmooth Scatter chart with markers at each value and smoothed lines connecting each data point.
XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers Scatter chart with smoothed lines connecting each data point without markers.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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