WorkbookView Class Members
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SpreadsheetGear.Windows.Forms Namespace : WorkbookView Class

The following tables list the members exposed by WorkbookView.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorWorkbookView ConstructorOverloaded. Initializes a new instance of a WorkbookView control.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyActiveCell Returns the active cell of the active worksheet or null if there is no active worksheet.  
Public PropertyActiveCommandManager Returns the CommandManager associated with the ActiveWorkbookSet of this workbook view.  
Public PropertyActiveSheet Gets or sets the active sheet.  
Public PropertyActiveTabIndex Gets or sets the active tab index.  
Public PropertyActiveWorkbook Gets or sets the active workbook.  
Public PropertyActiveWorkbookSet Gets or sets the workbook set associated with this workbook view.  
Public PropertyActiveWorkbookWindowInfo Returns the window information for the active workbook or null if there is no active workbook.  
Public PropertyActiveWorksheet Gets or sets the active worksheet.  
Public PropertyActiveWorksheetWindowInfo Returns the window information for the active worksheet or null if there is no active worksheet.  
Public PropertyAllowChartExplorer Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the Chart Explorer can be launched from the workbook view.  
Public PropertyAllowEditCommandsGets or sets the property which specifies whether various workbook editing commands can be executed with the keyboard.  
Public PropertyAllowRangeExplorer Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the Range Explorer can be launched from the workbook view.  
Public PropertyAllowShapeExplorer Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the Shape Explorer can be launched from the workbook view.  
Public PropertyAllowWorkbookDesigner Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the Workbook Designer can be launched from the workbook view.  
Public PropertyAllowWorkbookExplorer Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the Workbook Explorer can be launched from the workbook view.  
Public PropertyBackgroundCalculation Gets or sets the property which specifies whether background calculation is enabled for the workbook set.  
Public PropertyDisplayReference Gets or sets the property which specifies which workbook or set of cell ranges to display in the workbook view.  
Public PropertyDisplayReferenceNameGets or sets the property which specifies the text to display on each of the "sheet tabs" of the workbook view.  
Public PropertyExtraColor Gets or sets the color beyond the last row or column of the worksheet.  
Public PropertyFocusedOverridden.   
Public PropertyHollowSelection Gets or sets the property which determines whether selections are painted with a hollow interior. If this property is set to true then only the border of the selected range will be painted.  
Public PropertyIsEditing Gets the property which specifies whether the control is currently in edit mode.  
Public PropertyRangeSelection Gets or sets the selected range.  
Public PropertyShapeSelection Gets or sets the selected shape range.  

Protected Properties

Protected PropertyDefaultSizeOverridden.   

Public Methods

Public MethodBeginEditPuts the active cell or selected textbox in edit mode.  
Public MethodBeginUpdate Interrupts background calculation if necessary, acquires an exclusive lock on the workbook set associated with this WorkbookView, and suspends painting and events until EndUpdate is called.  
Public MethodCancelEditCancels edit mode and discards any changes.  
Public MethodCopyCopy the contents of the current selection to the clipboard.  
Public MethodCutCut the contents of the current selection to the clipboard.  
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Releases all resources used by the Component.  
Public MethodEndEditEnds edit mode and commits any changes.  
Public MethodEndUpdate Restores painting and events to the state they were in before the last call to BeginUpdate, releases the lock acquired by BeginUpdate, and starts background calculation if appropriate.  
Public MethodGetLock Interrupts background calculation if necessary and acquires an exclusive lock on the workbook set associated with this WorkbookView.  
Public MethodLocationToRangeOverloaded.  Returns an instance of IRange representing the cell at the specified location or null if there is none.  
Public MethodPaste Paste the clipboard contents to the current selection.  
Public MethodPasteSpecial Paste the clipboard contents to the current selection using the specified options.  
Public MethodPrint Prints the active worksheet.  
Public MethodPrintPreview Shows a print preview of the active worksheet.  
Public MethodRangeToLocationOverloaded.  Returns the screen coordinates of the fractional zero based row and columns.  
Public MethodReleaseLock Releases a lock acquired with GetLock and starts background calculation if appropriate.  
Public MethodRewindLock Interrupts background calculation if necessary and restores locks to the state they were in before UnwindLock was called.  
Public MethodUnwindLock Unwinds the locks for the workbook set associated with this workbook view.  

Protected Methods

Protected MethodIsInputCharOverridden.   
Protected MethodIsInputKeyOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnActiveTabChanged Raises the ActiveTabChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnActiveTabChanging Raises the ActiveTabChanging event.  
Protected MethodOnCalculate Raises the Calculate event.  
Protected MethodOnCellBeginEdit Raises the CellBeginEdit event.  
Protected MethodOnCellCancelEdit Raises the CellCancelEdit event.  
Protected MethodOnCellEndEdit Raises the CellEndEdit event.  
Protected MethodOnGotFocusOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnHandleDestroyedOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnKeyDownOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnKeyPressOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnKeyUpOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnLayoutOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnLostFocusOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnMouseCaptureChangedOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnMouseClickOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnMouseDoubleClickOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnMouseDownOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnMouseEnterOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnMouseLeaveOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnMouseMoveOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnMouseUpOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnMouseWheelOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnPaintOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnPaintBackgroundOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnRangeChanged Raises the RangeChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnRangeSelectionChanged Raises the RangeSelectionChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnRangeSelectionChanging Raises the RangeSelectionChanging event.  
Protected MethodOnScrollPositionChanged Raises the ScrollPositionChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnShapeAction Raises the ShapeAction event.  
Protected MethodOnShapeSelectionChanged Raises the ShapeSelectionChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnShapeSelectionChanging Raises the ShapeSelectionChanging event.  
Protected MethodOnShowError Raises the ShowError event.  
Protected MethodOnSystemColorsChangedOverridden.   

Public Events

Public EventActiveTabChangedOccurs after the active tab changes.  
Public EventActiveTabChanging Occurs when the user is attempting to change the active tab and provides the ability to cancel the change.  
Public EventCalculate Occurs sometime after calculation of the workbook set associated with the workbook view control has completed.  
Public EventCellBeginEditOccurs when edit mode is being initiated.  
Public EventCellCancelEdit Occurs when edit mode is being canceled and provides the ability to force edit mode to continue by cancelling the event.  
Public EventCellEndEdit Occurs when edit mode is ending and provides the ability to force edit mode to continue by cancelling the event.  
Public EventRangeChanged Occurs sometime after an IRange property setter or method changes one or more of the cells in the range.  
Public EventRangeSelectionChangedOccurs after the range selection changes.  
Public EventRangeSelectionChanging Occurs when the user is attempting to change the range selection and provides the ability to cancel the change.  
Public EventScrollPositionChanged Occurs when the scroll position changes.  
Public EventShapeAction Occurs when a shape action happens.  
Public EventShapeSelectionChangedOccurs after the shape selection changes.  
Public EventShapeSelectionChanging Occurs when the user is attempting to change the shape selection and provides the ability to cancel the change.  
Public EventShowError This event is sent to the active WorkbookView just before an error message is to be displayed to the user.  

See Also

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