CommandManager Class Members
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SpreadsheetGear.Windows.Forms Namespace : CommandManager Class

The following tables list the members exposed by CommandManager.

Protected Constructors

Protected ConstructorCommandManager Constructor Initializes a new instance of CommandManager with the specified IWorkbookSet.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyCanRedo Returns true if there is a command available for redo, otherwise false is returned.  
Public PropertyCanUndo Returns true if there is a command available for undo, otherwise false is returned.  
Public PropertyRedoDisplayText Returns a description of the current redoable command.  
Public PropertyUndoDisplayText Returns a description of the current undoable command.  
Public PropertyUndoLimit Gets or sets the maximum number of undoable commands that will be retained by the CommandManager.  

Public Methods

Public MethodClearCommandsOverloaded. Clears all undoable and redoable commands.  
Public MethodCreateCommandClearCreates an instance of the default clear command.  
Public MethodCreateCommandClearContents Creates an instance of the default clear contents command.  
Public MethodCreateCommandClearFormats Creates an instance of the default clear formats command.  
Public MethodCreateCommandCopy Creates an instance of the default copy command.  
Public MethodCreateCommandCut Creates an instance of the default cut command.  
Public MethodCreateCommandDeleteOverloaded.  Creates an instance of the default delete command.  
Public MethodCreateCommandInsertOverloaded.  Creates an instance of the default insert command.  
Public MethodCreateCommandPaste Creates an instance of the default paste command.  
Public MethodCreateCommandPasteSpecial Creates an instance of the default paste special command.  
Public MethodExecute Executes the specified command by calling the command's Execute method.  
Public MethodRedo Redoes the last undone command by calling the command's Execute method.  
Public MethodUndo Undo the last executed command by calling the command's Undo method.  

See Also

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