Intersect Method
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SpreadsheetGear Namespace > IRange Interface : Intersect Method

Specifies the range to intersect with this range.
Returns a new range which consists of the intersection of this range and range2, or null if the ranges do not intersect.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Function Intersect( _
   ByVal range2 As IRange _
) As IRange
IRange Intersect( 
   IRange range2


Specifies the range to intersect with this range.

Return Value

A new range consisting of the intersection of this range and range2, or null if the ranges do not intersect.


C#Copy Code
public void RangeIntersectUnionSubtract()
// Create a workbook to play with.
IWorkbook workbook = Factory.GetWorkbook();
   IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
   IRange cells = worksheet.Cells;

// Create some ranges.
IRange a1 = cells["A1"];
   IRange a1_b3 = cells[
   IRange b3_d4 = cells[

// A variable to hold results.
IRange range;

// A1 does not intersect with B3:D4
range = a1.Intersect(b3_d4);
   Debug.Assert(range ==

// Subtracting B3:D4 from A1 does not change A1.
range = a1.Subtract(b3_d4);
   Debug.Assert(range !=
null && range.Address.Equals("$A$1"));

// The union of A1 and B3:D4 is "A1,B3:D4".
range = a1.Union(b3_d4);
   Debug.Assert(range !=
null && range.Address.Equals("$A$1,$B$3:$D$4"));

// B3:D4 does not intersect with A1.
range = b3_d4.Intersect(a1);
   Debug.Assert(range ==

// Subtracting A1 from B3:D4 does not change B3:D4.
range = b3_d4.Subtract(a1);
   Debug.Assert(range !=
null && range.Address.Equals("$B$3:$D$4"));

// The union of B3:D4 and A1 is "A1,B3:D4".
range = b3_d4.Union(a1);
   Debug.Assert(range !=
null && range.Address.Equals("$A$1,$B$3:$D$4"));

// The intersection of B3:D4 and A1:B3 is B3
range = b3_d4.Intersect(a1_b3);
   Debug.Assert(range !=
null && range.Address.Equals("$B$3"));

// Subtracting A1:B3 from B3:D4 leaves "C3:D3,B4:D4".
range = b3_d4.Subtract(a1_b3);
   Debug.Assert(range !=
null && range.Address.Equals("$C$3:$D$3,$B$4:$D$4"));

// The union of B3:D4 and A1:B3 is "A1:B2,A3:D3,B4:D4".
range = b3_d4.Union(a1_b3);
   Debug.Assert(range !=
null && range.Address.Equals("$A$1:$B$2,$A$3:$D$3,$B$4:$D$4"));

// The intersection of "A1,B1,A2,B2" and "A1:B1,A2:B2" is A1:B2.
range = cells["A1,B1,A2,B2"].Intersect(cells["A1:B1,A2:B2"]);
   Debug.Assert(range !=
null && range.Address.Equals("$A$1:$B$2"));
Visual BasicCopy Code
Public Sub RangeIntersectUnionSubtract()
    ' Create a workbook to play with.
    Dim workbook As IWorkbook = Factory.GetWorkbook()
    Dim worksheet As IWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
    Dim cells As IRange = worksheet.Cells

    ' Create some ranges.
    Dim a1 As IRange = cells("A1")
    Dim a1_b3 As IRange = cells("A1:B3")
    Dim b3_d4 As IRange = cells("B3:D4")

    ' A variable to hold results.
    Dim range As IRange

    ' A1 does not intersect with B3:D4
    range = a1.Intersect(b3_d4)
    Debug.Assert(range Is Nothing)

    ' Subtracting B3:D4 from A1 does not change A1.
    range = a1.Subtract(b3_d4)
    Debug.Assert(Not (range Is Nothing) And range.Address.Equals("$A$1"))

    ' The union of A1 and B3:D4 is "A1,B3:D4".
    range = a1.Union(b3_d4)
    Debug.Assert(Not (range Is Nothing) And range.Address.Equals("$A$1,$B$3:$D$4"))

    ' B3:D4 does not intersect with A1.
    range = b3_d4.Intersect(a1)
    Debug.Assert(range Is Nothing)

    ' Subtracting A1 from B3:D4 does not change B3:D4.
    range = b3_d4.Subtract(a1)
    Debug.Assert(Not (range Is Nothing) And range.Address.Equals("$B$3:$D$4"))

    ' The union of B3:D4 and A1 is "A1,B3:D4".
    range = b3_d4.Union(a1)
    Debug.Assert(Not (range Is Nothing) And range.Address.Equals("$A$1,$B$3:$D$4"))

    ' The intersection of B3:D4 and A1:B3 is B3
    range = b3_d4.Intersect(a1_b3)
    Debug.Assert(Not (range Is Nothing) And range.Address.Equals("$B$3"))

    ' Subtracting A1:B3 from B3:D4 leaves "C3:D3,B4:D4".
    range = b3_d4.Subtract(a1_b3)
    Debug.Assert(Not (range Is Nothing) And range.Address.Equals("$C$3:$D$3,$B$4:$D$4"))

    ' The union of B3:D4 and A1:B3 is "A1:B2,A3:D3,B4:D4".
    range = b3_d4.Union(a1_b3)
    Debug.Assert(Not (range Is Nothing) And range.Address.Equals("$A$1:$B$2,$A$3:$D$3,$B$4:$D$4"))

    ' The intersection of "A1,B1,A2,B2" and "A1:B1,A2:B2" is A1:B2.
    range = cells("A1,B1,A2,B2").Intersect(cells("A1:B1,A2:B2"))
    Debug.Assert(Not (range Is Nothing) And range.Address.Equals("$A$1:$B$2"))
End Sub


Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008. SpreadsheetGear 2009 requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and supports .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5.

See Also

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