ITrendline Interface Members
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SpreadsheetGear.Charts Namespace : ITrendline Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by ITrendline.

Public Properties

 PropertyBackward Gets or sets the property which specifies the number of periods to forecast backward.  
 PropertyDisplayEquation Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the equation is displayed in the trendline data label.  
 PropertyDisplayRSquared Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the R-Squared value is displayed in the trendline data label.  
 PropertyFormat Returns an instance of IChartFormat which represents the formatting options of this trendline.  
 PropertyForward Gets or sets the property which specifies the number of periods to forecast forward.  
 PropertyIndex Returns the zero based index of this trendline.  
 PropertyIntercept Gets or sets the property which specifies the y-intercept of the trendline.  
 PropertyInterceptIsAuto Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the y-intercept of the trendline is automatically determined.  
 PropertyName Gets or sets the property which specifies a custom name for the trendline.  
 PropertyNameIsAuto Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the name of the trendline is automatically determined.  
 PropertyOrder Gets or sets the property which specifies the order on a polynomial trendline.  
 PropertyPeriod Gets or sets the property which specifies the period on a moving average trendline.  
 PropertyType Gets or sets the property which specifies the trendline type.  

Public Methods

 MethodDelete Deletes the trendline.  

See Also

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