ISeries Interface Members
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SpreadsheetGear.Charts Namespace : ISeries Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by ISeries.

Public Properties

 PropertyAxisGroup Gets or sets the property which specifies which axis group this series is plotted on.  
 PropertyBarShape Gets or sets the property which specifies the shape of 3D bars.  
 PropertyBubbleSizes Gets or sets the bubble size values for the series.  
 PropertyChartType Gets or sets the property which specifies the chart type.  
 PropertyDataLabels Returns an instance of IDataLabels which represents all of the data labels of this series, or null if HasDataLabels is false.  
 PropertyErrorBars Returns an instance of IErrorBars which represents the error bars of this series, or null if HasErrorBars is false.  
 PropertyExplosion Gets or sets the property which specifies the explosion value for all of the data points of this series on a pie or doughnut chart.  
 PropertyFormat Returns an instance of IChartFormat which represents the formatting options of this series.  
 PropertyHas3DEffect Gets or sets the property which specifies whether all the bubbles in a bubble series are displayed with a 3D effect.  
 PropertyHasDataLabels Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the series has data labels.  
 PropertyHasErrorBars Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the series has error bars.  
 PropertyHasLeaderLines Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the series has leader lines.  
 PropertyInvertIfNegative Gets or sets the property which specifies whether pattern colors are inverted on data points with negative values.  
 PropertyLeaderLines Returns an instance of ILeaderLines which represents the leader lines of this series, or null if HasLeaderLines is false.  
 PropertyMarkerSize Gets or sets the property which specifies the marker size in points.  
 PropertyMarkerStyle Gets or sets the property which specifies the marker style.  
 PropertyName Gets or sets the name of the series.  
 PropertyPoints Returns an instance of IPoints which represents all of the data points of this series.  
 PropertySmooth Gets or sets the property which specifies whether smoothing is used on a line series.  
 PropertyTrendlines Returns an instance of ITrendlines which represents all of the trendlines of this series.  
 PropertyValues Gets or sets the values for the series.  
 PropertyXValues Gets or sets the x values for the series.  

Public Methods

 MethodDelete Deletes the series.  

See Also

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