Breaking changes for SpreadsheetGear 2023 include:
- Changed the WEBSERVICE function to be disabled by default. To enable WEBSERVICE you must set IWorkbookSet.EnableWebService to true.
- Changed the CHAR and CODE worksheet functions to use CultureInfo.TextInfo.ANSICodePage to convert to and from Unicode.
- As part of adding the IWorksheet ProtectDrawingObjects and ProtectScenarios properties, setting IWorksheet.ProtectContents was changed to no longer have the effect of modifying these two properties.
- Changed IWorkbookSet.CalculateFullRebuild to no longer try to optimize memory usage and added new IWorkbookSet.GC method which does try to optimize memory usage.
- Changed IWorksheets.Add to keep track of the last number used to automatically generate the name such as "Sheet1". This number is reset to 1 when a workbook is loaded which will lead to different behavior. The new IChartSheets.Add follows the same strategy with it's own next sheet number. This behavior is the same as Excel.
- Removed the deprecated LineStyle.Continous enumerated value. Please use LineStyle.Continuous instead.