Live Razor Page Samples
Excel Report with Formatted Chart
This sample shows how to create a new workbook, add some values, add a chart, format the chart, and stream it to Microsoft Excel.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;
namespace Website.Pages.Support.Samples.RazorPages.Reporting
public partial class ExcelReportWithChartModel : PageModel
public FileResult OnGet()
// Create a new workbook.
SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook workbook = SpreadsheetGear.Factory.GetWorkbook();
SpreadsheetGear.IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"];
SpreadsheetGear.IWorksheetWindowInfo windowInfo = worksheet.WindowInfo;
SpreadsheetGear.IRange cells = worksheet.Cells;
// Set the worksheet name and turn off the default gridlines.
worksheet.Name = "2010 Sales";
worksheet.WindowInfo.DisplayGridlines = false;
// Add worksheet title.
SpreadsheetGear.IRange titleCell = cells["B1"];
titleCell.Value = "Excel Report with Chart\nCreated with SpreadsheetGear and ASP.NET Core";
titleCell.HorizontalAlignment = SpreadsheetGear.HAlign.Center;
titleCell.VerticalAlignment = SpreadsheetGear.VAlign.Center;
titleCell.Style = workbook.Styles["Heading 1"];
titleCell.RowHeight = 48.0;
// Create column headings for four regions and a total column.
SpreadsheetGear.IRange columnHeadingCells = cells["B2:G2"];
columnHeadingCells.Value = new string[,] { { "", "North", "South", "East", "West", "Total" } };
SpreadsheetGear.IStyle columnHeadingStyle = workbook.Styles["Heading 2"];
columnHeadingCells.Style = columnHeadingStyle;
columnHeadingCells.HorizontalAlignment = SpreadsheetGear.HAlign.Center;
// Create row headings for four quarters and a total row.
SpreadsheetGear.IRange rowHeadingCells = cells["B3:B7"];
rowHeadingCells.Value = new string[,] { { "Q1" }, { "Q2" }, { "Q3" }, { "Q4" }, { "Total" } };
rowHeadingCells.HorizontalAlignment = SpreadsheetGear.HAlign.Right;
// Create random data using multiple cell range.
cells["C3:F6"].Formula = "=RAND()*1000000";
// Add formulas which use the SUM worksheet function to total
// the sales for each quarter and sales for each region.
cells["G3:G6"].Formula = "=SUM(C3:F3)";
cells["C7:G7"].Formula = "=SUM(C3:C6)";
// Format the row headings and row totals.
SpreadsheetGear.IRange rowHeadingAndTotalCells = cells["B3:B6,G3:G6"];
rowHeadingAndTotalCells.Font.Bold = true;
rowHeadingAndTotalCells.Font.Size = rowHeadingAndTotalCells.Font.Size + 1;
// Format the grand totals.
SpreadsheetGear.IRange grandTotalCells = cells["B7:G7"];
grandTotalCells.Font.Bold = true;
grandTotalCells.Font.Size = grandTotalCells.Font.Size + 2;
grandTotalCells.Borders[SpreadsheetGear.BordersIndex.EdgeTop].Weight = SpreadsheetGear.BorderWeight.Medium;
grandTotalCells.Borders[SpreadsheetGear.BordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = SpreadsheetGear.LineStyle.Double;
// Format data with "Currency (0)" named cell style.
cells["C3:G7"].Style = workbook.Styles["Currency [0]"];
// Add a conditional format to make every other row use
// the color from the Heading 2 bottom border.
SpreadsheetGear.IFormatCondition condition = cells["B3:G6"].FormatConditions.Add(
// Operator Does hnot matter for Expression
"=MOD(ROW(),2)=0", null);
condition.Interior.Color = columnHeadingStyle.Borders[SpreadsheetGear.BordersIndex.EdgeBottom].Color;
// Autofit column B and set other columns to absolute widths since
// they use random numbers, which could lead to "#######" showing up
// in cells if they are autofitted.
cells["C:F"].ColumnWidth = 13.6;
cells["G:G"].ColumnWidth = 14.9;
// Add a chart to the worksheet's shape collection.
// NOTE: Calculate the coordinates of the chart by converting row
// and column coordinates to points. Use fractional row
// and colum values to get coordinates anywhere in between
// row and column boundaries.
double left = windowInfo.ColumnToPoints(1.0) + (72.0 / 6.0);
double top = windowInfo.RowToPoints(8.0) + 3;
double right = windowInfo.ColumnToPoints(7.0) - (72.0 / 6.0);
double bottom = windowInfo.RowToPoints(22.0) - 3;
SpreadsheetGear.Shapes.IShape chartShape =
worksheet.Shapes.AddChart(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
SpreadsheetGear.Charts.IChart chart = chartShape.Chart;
// Turn off the border around the chart for a cleaner look.
chart.ChartArea.Format.Line.Visible = false;
// Give the chart shape a name which will be used to refer to the chart
// in other samples.
chartShape.Name = "SalesByRegionChart";
// Set the chart's source data range for the individual sales figures,
// plotting series in columns.
SpreadsheetGear.IRange source = cells["B2:F6"];
chart.SetSourceData(source, SpreadsheetGear.Charts.RowCol.Columns);
// Set the chart type.
chart.ChartType = SpreadsheetGear.Charts.ChartType.ColumnClustered;
// Add a new series for the totals and link it's series name
// and values to the worksheet.
SpreadsheetGear.Charts.ISeries totalsSeries = chart.SeriesCollection.Add();
totalsSeries.Name = "=G2";
totalsSeries.Values = "=G3:G6";
// Change the total series chart type and plot the total series
// on the secondary axis.
// NOTE: This creates a combination chart using multiple chart groups
// and utilizes both primary and secondary axes sets.
totalsSeries.ChartType = SpreadsheetGear.Charts.ChartType.Line;
totalsSeries.AxisGroup = SpreadsheetGear.Charts.AxisGroup.Secondary;
// Add a chart title, set the text to refer to the title in the
// worksheet, and change the font size.
chart.HasTitle = true;
chart.ChartTitle.Text = "=B1";
chart.ChartTitle.Font.Size = 12;
// Change the legend position to the bottom of the chart and
// set the legend font to bold.
chart.Legend.Position = SpreadsheetGear.Charts.LegendPosition.Bottom;
chart.Legend.Font.Bold = true;
// Change the value major gridlines from the default black to gray.
chart.Axes[SpreadsheetGear.Charts.AxisType.Value].MajorGridlines.Format.Line.ForeColor.RGB = SpreadsheetGear.Colors.Gray;
// Add a defined name which will be used by other samples to refer
// to the range of cells containing the data and the chart.
workbook.Names.Add("SalesDataAndChartRange", "=B1:G22");
// Save workbook to stream using the Open XML (*.xlsx) file format compatible with Excel 2007 and later.
System.IO.Stream workbookStream = workbook.SaveToStream(SpreadsheetGear.FileFormat.OpenXMLWorkbook);
// Reset position to beginning of stream.
workbookStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Stream the Excel workbook to the client.
var contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
var fileName = "SpreadsheetGear-Sample-ExcelReportWithChart.xlsx";
return File(workbookStream, contentType, fileName);