Live Razor Page Samples
These samples demonstrate using SpreadsheetGear with ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, but could easily be applied to the more traditional ASP.NET Core MVC framework or Web API.
Excel Reporting
With the wide adoption of Microsoft Excel and the Office Open XML standard, there is no substitute for taking advantage of the leading spreadsheet component in your .NET Web Apps. You can use SpreadsheetGear to deliver Microsoft Excel 97-2019 and Excel for Office 365 reports in a variety of ways.
- Simple Excel Report
- Excel Report with Formulas and Formatting
- Excel Report with Formatted Chart
- Excel Report with Chart (From Template Workbook)
- Excel Report with Chart Linked to Defined Name
- Worksheet with Chart to Multiple Worksheets with Charts
- Excel Report with Picture
- DataTable to Excel Workbook
- DataTable to Excel Workbook with Chart
- DataTable to Excel Workbook with Formats and Formulas
- DataSet to Excel Workbook with Formats and Formulas
- SQL DataTable to Workbook
- SQL DataTable to Template Workbook
- Excel Workbook Consolidation
- Group, Outline and Summarize to Excel
Excel Chart and Range Imaging
There is a good chance that you and your users already know how to create great looking dashboards and charts in Excel. The web has a wide variety of resources for creating "Excel Dashboards". Now you can leverage this knowledge and information by designing your dashboards and charts in Excel and deploying them with SpreadsheetGear.
Excel Charting
Richly formatted workbooks with fast and complete calculations are the heart and soul of a spreadsheet, but the ability to make good decisions is greatly enhanced by the ability to visualize data. Enhance your users' understanding of their data by taking advantage of SpreadsheetGear's comprehensive Excel compatible charting support.
Excel Calculation Engine
The true power of SpreadsheetGear is realized when using its superior Microsoft Excel compatible calculation engine. Unmatched performance and accuracy, 398 Excel compatible functions, multithreaded recalc, array formula support and more provide a competitive advantage to any ASP.NET, Windows Forms or WPF application.
Range To HTML Table Tag Helper
Use SpreadsheetGear to generate Excel workbooks from a database. Copy data from a DataTable or DataSet into a worksheet with SpreadsheetGear API specifically designed for these objects. Or if you use Entity Framework Core or another ORM, copy the query results to a worksheet with SpreadsheetGear's extensive worksheet and range API.