Other API Samples

Live SpreadsheetGear API Samples

Range Samples Formatting and Other Cell Features Interior

Demonstrate various interior fills using solid Pre-Defined colors, Theme Colors with TintAndShade, Pattern Fills and Gradient Fills.

// Create a new workbook and some local variables.
SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook workbook = SpreadsheetGear.Factory.GetWorkbook();
SpreadsheetGear.IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.ActiveWorksheet;
SpreadsheetGear.IRange cells = worksheet.Cells;

// EXAMPLE 1: Set a variety of colors for the following cells
    cells["B2"].Interior.Color = SpreadsheetGear.Colors.Red;
    cells["C2"].Interior.Color = SpreadsheetGear.Colors.Orange;
    cells["D2"].Interior.Color = SpreadsheetGear.Colors.Yellow;
    cells["E2"].Interior.Color = SpreadsheetGear.Colors.Green;
    cells["F2"].Interior.Color = SpreadsheetGear.Colors.Blue;
    cells["G2"].Interior.Color = SpreadsheetGear.Colors.Purple;

// EXAMPLE 2: Use theme colors in combination with "tint and shade" 
// to demonstrate creating a fuller range of colors.
    SpreadsheetGear.Themes.ColorSchemeIndex[] themeColors = {

    // Iterate through each theme color and set some range based 
    // off startingRange.
    SpreadsheetGear.IRange startingRange = cells["B4:B17"];
    for (int i = 0; i < themeColors.Length; i++)
        SpreadsheetGear.IRange currentRange = startingRange.Offset(0, i);

        // Set the whole range to use the specified theme color.
        currentRange.Interior.ThemeColor = themeColors[i];

        // TintAndShade values of 1.0 and -1.0 indicate white and black, 
        // respectively.  Setting limits here to avoid displaying these max 
        // B&W values.
        double brightnessLimit = 0.9;
        double darknessLimit = -0.9;

        // Gradually darken the theme color as we iterate down the range
        for (int j = 0; j < currentRange.RowCount; j++)
            currentRange[j, 0].Interior.TintAndShade = brightnessLimit - 
                (((double)j / (double)currentRange.RowCount) * 
                (brightnessLimit - darknessLimit));

// EXAMPLE 3: Set I2:J4 to a red and yellow pattern.
    SpreadsheetGear.IInterior interior = cells["I2:J4"].Interior;
    interior.Color = SpreadsheetGear.Colors.Red;
    interior.Pattern = SpreadsheetGear.Pattern.Gray16;
    interior.PatternColor = SpreadsheetGear.Colors.Yellow;

// EXAMPLE 4: Set each cell in I6:J8 to a linear gradient.
    SpreadsheetGear.IInterior interior = cells["I6:J8"].Interior;
    interior.Pattern = SpreadsheetGear.Pattern.LinearGradient;
    // Get a reference to the linear gradient.
    SpreadsheetGear.ILinearGradient linearGradient =
        interior.Gradient as SpreadsheetGear.ILinearGradient;

    // Set the angle of the linear gradient to 90 degrees.
    linearGradient.Degree = 45;

// EXAMPLE 5: Set I10:J12 to a rectangular gradient.
    SpreadsheetGear.IInterior interior = cells["I10:J12"].Interior;
    interior.Pattern = SpreadsheetGear.Pattern.RectangularGradient;

    // Merge the cells.

    // Get a reference to the rectangular gradient.
    SpreadsheetGear.IRectangularGradient rectGradient =
        interior.Gradient as SpreadsheetGear.IRectangularGradient;

    // Set the rectangular gradient to fill from center.
    rectGradient.RectangleBottom = 0.5;
    rectGradient.RectangleLeft = 0.5;
    rectGradient.RectangleRight = 0.5;
    rectGradient.RectangleTop = 0.5;

    // Get a reference to the rectangular gradient color stops.
    SpreadsheetGear.IColorStops colorStops = rectGradient.ColorStops;

    // Clear the default color stops.

    // Add custom color stops.
    colorStops.Add(0.0).Color = SpreadsheetGear.Colors.White;
    colorStops.Add(1.0).ThemeColor = SpreadsheetGear.Themes.ColorSchemeIndex.Accent6;
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Render Image

Generate an image representation of the results of this sample, which uses the SpreadsheetGear.Drawing.Image class to convert ranges, charts and shapes to images.

Download File

Download an Excel Open XML Workbook (*.xlsx) file with the results of this sample.

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