Other API Samples

Live SpreadsheetGear API Samples

Charting Basic Area Chart

Demonstrates generating a basic Area Chart.

// Open workbook with some data for the chart and get a reference to the active 
// sheet and its cells.
SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook workbook = 
SpreadsheetGear.IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.ActiveWorksheet;
SpreadsheetGear.IRange cells = worksheet.Cells;

// Get a reference to the worksheet window info and shapes collection.
SpreadsheetGear.IWorksheetWindowInfo windowInfo = worksheet.WindowInfo;
SpreadsheetGear.Shapes.IShapes shapes = worksheet.Shapes;

// Add a chart to the worksheet's shape collection.
// NOTE: Calculate the coordinates of the chart by converting row and column
//       coordinates to points.  Use fractional row and column values to get 
//       coordinates anywhere in between row and column boundaries.
double left = windowInfo.ColumnToPoints(0.15);
double top = windowInfo.RowToPoints(0.5);
double right = windowInfo.ColumnToPoints(5.85);
double bottom = windowInfo.RowToPoints(13.5);
SpreadsheetGear.Charts.IChart chart =
    shapes.AddChart(left, top, right - left, bottom - top).Chart;

// Get the source data range from an existing defined name.
SpreadsheetGear.IRange source = workbook.Names["TotalByQuarter"].RefersToRange;

// Set the chart's source data range, plotting series in columns.
chart.SetSourceData(source, SpreadsheetGear.Charts.RowCol.Columns);

// Set the chart type to an area chart.
chart.ChartType = SpreadsheetGear.Charts.ChartType.Area;

// Get a reference to the single total series.
SpreadsheetGear.Charts.ISeries seriesTotal = chart.SeriesCollection[0];

// Add category axis labels by using an existing defined name.
seriesTotal.XValues = "=Quarters";

// Change the theme color of the total series.
seriesTotal.Format.Fill.ForeColor.ThemeColor =

// Hide the legend.
chart.HasLegend = false;

// Hide the major gridlines on the value axis.
chart.Axes[SpreadsheetGear.Charts.AxisType.Value].HasMajorGridlines = false;

// Add a chart title and change the font size.
chart.HasTitle = true;
chart.ChartTitle.Text = "Total Sales by Quarter";
chart.ChartTitle.Font.Size = 12;
Run This Sample
Render Image

Generate an image representation of the results of this sample, which uses the SpreadsheetGear.Drawing.Image class to convert ranges, charts and shapes to images.

Download File

Download an Excel Open XML Workbook (*.xlsx) file with the results of this sample.

Supporting Files

The following files are utilized by this sample:

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