Added a number of workarounds to enable the reading of Open XML workbooks which are technically illegal but which Excel allows.
Fixed a significant number of worksheet functions to catch up with improvements made to Excel in recent years. This work was validated against Excel 2016.
Fixed a number of pre-existing worksheet function bugs found while validating against Excel 2016. These were generally obscure bugs having to do with special cases such as combinations of functions when used in array formulas (this is one of the more common of many examples).
Fixed a problem which caused a number of functions to be saved incorrectly so that Excel would treat these functions as user defined functions rather than built in functions. This happened only with functions which were added in Excel 2010 or later. SpreadsheetGear now properly parses and saves all worksheet functions included in Excel 2016 as of March 2017.
Fixed IRange.Autofit() for cases where columns are sparsely populated. Autofitting rows for a worksheet where only the last few rows are filled went from half an hour to 0.025 seconds.
Fixed issues when reading X category axes when scatter and category type combination charts are combined on the same axis.
Fixed an issue which caused a crash after renaming a workbook or sheet when using WorkbookView.DisplayReference. This problem occurred whether changing the workbook name when saving the workbook or changing the workbook or sheet name with the API.
Fixed issues with chart data label layout on bar and column charts when the data values are very small compared to the axis min to max value range.
Fixed formatted text to include trailing whitespace when rendering underlines and strikeouts.
Fixed issues with WPF WorkbookView layout and rendering of vertically oriented rich text.
Fixed reading and writing workbooks with agile encryption to no longer create a copy of the entire workbook file in memory.
Fixed autofilters to convert criteria containing a date to a number as Excel does.
Fixed an issue which caused certain complex formulas containing whitespace to return incorrect results (
Fixed problems with layout and rendering of merged cells when merged cells are no longer on screen (
Fixed UNICODE and UNICHAR functions to work with UTF-32 code points > 65535 (
Fixed an issue which caused scrolling to fail to render correctly in some cases when WorkbookView.RangeToLocation is called from a WorkbookView.ScrollPositionChanged event handler (
Fixed a problem which caused parsing of the EUROCONVERT function with 3 or 4 arguments to throw an exception (
Fixed an issue which caused the SHEETS function to throw an exception when a WorkbookView was attached to the workbook set containing the function (
Fixed to no longer clear the redo stack when executing ignored commands (
Fixed performance issues with autofilter dropdown buttons always being created even when they are not in the viewable area (
Fixed problems mouse problems with Outline grouping buttons when using split or frozen panes (
Fixed issues with WorkbookView.LocationToRange APIs when used with frozen or split rows and / or columns (
Fixed a problem which caused Excel to fail to read a workbook written by SpreadsheetGear which has conditional formats with both number formats and interior colors on the same criteria (
Fixed a problem with IRange.Copy which occurred when used with PasteType.Values and fewer rows in the source range than the destination range (
Changed the WorkbookView.ScrollPositionChanged event to fire after the WorkbookView is finished scrolling and updating internal state so that APIs can be used safely from the event handler (
Fixed a problem with copying to the clipboard in some cases when autofilters are applied and the source range has exactly one visible row (
Fixed shapes to render when width or height of shape is zero (
Fixed FormatConditionOperator.Between and FormatConditionOperator.NotBetween to work as Excel does when the first value is greater than the second value (
Fixed an issue with HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP with the 'range_lookup' argument set to FALSE which sometimes caused precedent cells to not be calculated before being used (
Fixed problems which occurred when using frozen panes when a WorkbookView is contained in a SplitContainer (
Fixed an issue which caused a NullReferenceException to be thrown when cell validation displays a message in a modal dialog after clicking the mouse to change the currently selected cell (
Fixed problems which caused overridden methods in subclasses of CommandManager and Command to sometimes not be called (
Fixed the FormulaBar, in-cell editor and the IRange.Entry property to provide editable text like Excel 2016 for cells formatted as a date and / or time (
Fixed issues which occurred in some cases when editing formulas and pointing at cell references across multiple workbooks from the FormulaBar control (
Fixed rendering problems with conditional formats when the cell interior uses a fill color and the conditional format color and / or pattern color are transparent (
Implemented calculation performance improvements for certain workbooks which contain a large number of columns (
Fixed IRange[string reference], IRange.Address and IRange.GetAddress to work with strings >= 64K in length and made improvements to IRange[string reference] performance in cases where the returned IRange has a high IRange.AreaCount (
Fixed a problem which sometimes occurred when copying array formulas to other cells in the same column (
Fixed an issue where scrollbar values were being set incorrectly based on the last sheet tab (
Added support for copying from a partial array formula (
Fixed pasting text from Windows clipboard in Silverlight WorkbookView control (
Fixed clearing of cell contents to no longer throw an exception when clearing a data table without clearing the input rows and / or input columns (
Fixed an issue which caused exceptions to occur in certain cases with the Windows Forms WorkbookView and a combination of UI thread and background thread tasks which use the WorkbookView (
Fixed WorkbookView.RewindLock to work correctly (
Fixed issues in Silverlight WorkbookView where text cells are sometimes displayed incorrectly wheny they are offscreen but overflow into the viewable area (
Fixed a rendering issue which occurred when resizing rows or columns when using split panes (
Fixed Calculation.SemiAutomatic mode to calculate data tables when F9 or CTRL+ALT+F9 is pressed and when IWorkbookSet.Calculate or IWorkbookSet.CalculateFull is invoked (
Fixed problems which sometimes caused shapes to not be properly moved when cells are inserted or deleted (
Fixed setting the contents of a cell to be more compatible with Excel 2016 when it updates the cell to use a new number format (
Fixed rendering issues which caused some merged cells to fail to update when the result of a formula in that cell changes (
Fixed hiding and showing of rows and columns to update IRange.ShowDetails as approprate (
Fixed problems with the IFERROR and INDEX worksheet functions which occurred with certain very complex workbooks (
Fixed problems with IRange.Find which occurred when finding on a worksheet with autofilters and hidden rows, when the speciied 'after' argument references a cell in one of these hidden rows (
Fixed an issue which caused shapes to fail to be moved and / or resized as needed when IRange.ShowLevels is used to show or hide rows or columns (
Fixed an issue which caused the right or bottom cell border to fail to paint when the last column or row in the displayed range is hidden and there is extra display space beyond the last cell (
Fixed issue where we were losing the tint and shade settings when reading chart and shape font colors from an Open XML workbook (
Fixed an issue which caused exceptions to be thrown in cases where multiple unreferenced WorkbookView controls are reclaimed by the garbage collector at one time without having had Dispose called on them (
Fixed a problem in the Formula Bar which caused the name box to fail to update after selecting ranges with the keyboard while hodling down the Shift key (
Fixed an issue which caused shapes to fail to render in certain cases (
Updated default font in a new workbook used with Japanese CultureInfo to be consistent with Excel 2016 (changed from "MS PGothic" to "Yu Gothic") (
Fixed a rendering issue which caused text to be painted over itself multiple times causing the text to get darker each time in certain complex rendering cases (
Fixed conditional formats to ignore interior pattern styles of None as Excel does (
Fixed border rendering to take into account the luminosity of red, green and blue when choosing darker borders over lighter borders as Excel does (
Fixed an issue which caused conditional formats to fail to render correctly in certain cases when cells are scrolled into view (
Fixed an issue which caused an exception to be thrown in certain cases when pasting cell formulas which reference worksheet scoped defined names on a worksheet in another workbook (
Add WorkbookView.ContextMenu property to Windows Forms and WPF WorkbookView controls which initializes the context menu before returning it (
Fixed copying and pasting a cell formula with a reference to a worksheet specific defined name on another worksheet in the same workbook to work correctly (
Fixed an issue which caused the copying of cells with multiple conditional format criteria to another worksheet to sometimes lose the order of the criteria (
Moved various caches used by workbook calculations to a WeakReference so that they can be garbage collected when not in use (
Fixed an issue which caused autofit row heights to sometimes not be up to date when Excel reads a SpreadsheetGear workbook (
Fixed an issue which caused newer versions of Excel to read an incorrect default column width for some xls workbooks (
Fixed the SHEET function to work with a sheet name passed in as text as Excel does (
Fixed setting worksheet names to throw an exception if the new name ends with a ' as Excel does (
Improved performance of IShapes.AddPicture for certain cases when done on a worksheet with row heights set to automatic (
Fixed an issue which caused shape changes made in SpreadsheetGear to sometimes not be reflected in Excel when the original xls workbook had been written by Excel 2007 or later and the changes were saved to xls (
Fixed NullReferenceException which occurred when editing formulas across multiple sheets and going back to the original editing sheet and entering the formula with the Enter key (
Fixed a performance problem which happened for certain cases when setting a large number of cell values in cells which are not the last cell of the same type in that column (
Changed WorkbookView sheet tabs for "ja-JP" CultureInfo users to use the "Tahoma" font instead of the "Yu Gothic" font (
Fixed a problem with the way SpreadsheetGear reads charts with certain combinations of multiple value axes (
Fixed an issue which caused the WorkbookView to throw an exception when all non-hidden rows or columns are scrolled off the screen and then the mouse is moved over the column or row headers (
Fixed an issue which caused IHyperlinks.Delete() to throw an exception (
Fixed a very rare issue which caused SpreadsheetGear for .NET Standard to throw an exception or hang when multiple threads are opening workbooks, saving workbooks and / or autofitting rows and columns (
Fixed an issue which caused SpreadsheetGear to write an invalid Open XML file if data validation uses ValidationType.Custom and the formula is a string constant (
Fixed WPF printing to do a better job of printing thick cell borders at the edges of the printed areas (
Fixed a problem with WPF column print titles with text which overflowed to cells to the right (
Improved the layout of print title rows and print title columns to better match the way Excel prints them (
Fixed to read xls workbooks written by legacy versions of Excel which have unused supporting workbook records (
Improved the performance of certain very complex workbooks which use the INDEX worksheet function (
Fixed to read Open XML workbooks containing a chart series with greater than 65,535 cached data values (
Fixed an issue which caused IRange[string] to incorrectly throw an exception in the case of a worksheet name which contained an argument separator character (comma for US English) (
Fixed issues with mouse wheel scrolling both the worksheet and the form control that it's hovering over (
Improved LINEST, LOGEST, GROWTH and TREND functions handling of near collinearity (
Fixed copying of worksheets to copy the worksheet tab color (
Added a work around for certain invalid .xls workbooks which were written by the Actuate Formula One spreadsheet component (
Added workaround to avoid GDI+ exceptions when encountering unsupported characters such as the Zero-Width Joiner (ZWJ) (
Improved performance for some complex array formulas (
Fixed IPane.ScrollColumn and ScrollRow to apply value in certain cases when they were ignored. Also fixed issue with these properties which could write out corrupt Excel workbooks (
Fixed the exception error message used when trying to set an invalid font height (
Fixed to allow a formula such as "=#REF!:INDEX(#REF!:B10,2)" as Excel does (
Fixed issue where adjoining cell borders that use different shade of the same Theme Color would not always render correctly (
Improved the IRR and XIRR functions to find better solutions more often and to do a better job of catching errors due to numeric overflow (
Fixed a problem which caused data validation to sometimes incorrectly return false when the cell being validated is below the last data cell in a column and the data validation has the possibility of returning true for a blank cell (
Fixed an issue which caused worksheets with multiple panes and a selection of A1 to sometimes not have the correct selection after the workbook is written to Open XML by SpreadsheetGear and opened by Excel (
Fixed date parsing to allow parsing dates without spaces such as "01nov" and "nov2018" as Excel does (
Fixed an issue which caused SpreadsheetGear.Drawing.Image.Draw(Graphics, Rectangle) to draw in the wrong location if the specified x or y value was not 0 (
Fixed an issue in the rich text formatting API which caused the resulting format to sometimes be incorrect (
Added a workaround to open certain Open XML workbooks which store the Ignorable attribute after an attribute which is to be ignored (
Fixed an issue which caused SpreadsheetGear to lose the chart data label orientation value in certain cases (
Fixed number formats such as "$?,???,???,??0" to include spaces for unneeded decimal separators (
Fixed an issue which caused incorrect values to be copied in certain cases when multiple cells were copied within the same column and the destination range was larger than the source range (
Fixed an issue which caused pointing at cell references when editing formulas with split panes to scroll to the wrong location in some cases (
Fixed a number of problems in the FILTERXML function including convert a subset of ISO 8801 date / time values to a date / time serial number, use the invariant culture and honor the IWorkbook.Date1904 setting when parsing dates, times and numbers, parse "TRUE" and "FALSE" to logical values, correctly handle XPath attribute queries, remove leading and trailing whitespace unless xml:space="preserve" is specified (
Fixed a problem which caused reading certain conditional formats from an Open XML workbook to throw an exception when the default CultureInfo did not use '.' for the decimal separator (
Fixed a problem with the AGGREGATE worksheet function when used in a non array formula cell with a 3rd argument which requires array style evaluation (
Fixed a problem reading and writing row formatting information from / to xls workbooks when the workbook has more than 4095 unique cell formats (
Improved IRR and XIRR to find the root closer to the initial guess more often when there are multiple roots (
Fixed a problem which could cause an exception to be thrown when a WorkbookView event handler (such as for ShapeAction) causes the WorkbookView to be disposed (
Fixed an issue which caused formulas with multiple reference operators (Range, Intersection and / or Union operators) to sometimes be calculated incorrectly (
Fixed a problem with the SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS and COUNTIFS functions which occurred for certain cases where one of the criteria values was specified by a defined name whose formula used a function returning a cell reference such as OFFSET or INDEX (
Fixed an issue which caused the Workbook Designer to crash when executing the File -> Close menu item with the CTRL+W quick key when no workbooks are open (
Fixed an issue which caused a NullReferenceException if an instance of SpreadsheetGear.Windows.Controls.CommandPrint is executed when the there is not a WPF WorkbookView currently set as the active WorkbookView (
Fixed an issue in the WPF WorkbookView control where the first instance of an underscore character in text for AutoFilter items, Buttons form controls and CheckBox form controls was being stripped (8.1.61).
Fixed parsing of formulas to be limited to 256 levels of nesting for parentheses and 65 levels for functions as Excel does (
Fixed an exception which occurred when moving the mouse over a WorkbookView with certain combinations of split panes and hidden rows or columns (
Fixed a problem which caused SpreadsheetGear to write invalid Open XML workbooks if the compressed size of a zip stream is less than uint.MaxValue and the uncompressed size is greater than or equal to uint.MaxValue (
Optimized some cases of formatting a large number of cells ending with the last row in a worksheet (
Fixed an issue which caused invalid calculation results in some cases after copying formula cells where the formulas return logical values or errors (
Fixed a rare problem which could cause a WorkbookView not to update after changes were made to a workbook (
Fixed an issue which caused an exception to be thrown in some cases when modifying a text cell while a WorkbookView is attached (
Fixed problems with the database functions (DSUM, DAVG, etc...) when they have formula criteria cells with database functions in the formulas (
Fixed some cases related to Windows COM STI Message Pumping of WM_PAINT events at unexpected times (
Added a WorkbookView.Invalidate() method to Windows Forms which invalidates all worksheet drawing information to force a complete redraw of the WorkbookView (
Fixed an exception which happened with some APIs when a workbook set is attached to a Windows Forms WorkbookView which has not been displayed (
Added workaround for possibility of CultureInfo with missing number or date / time settings (
Changed WorkbookView events to no longer fire if the associated EventArgs has a reference to a disposed IRange, ISheet, IWorkbook, IWorkbookSet, IShape or IShapeRange (
Changed firing of WorkbookView events to catch and silently discard all exceptions thrown by event handlers to make the WorkbookView more resilient to problems with event handlers (
Fixed an issue which could cause a workbook set to get into a state where WorkbookView controls would not be updated after changes to the workbook set on a background thread - including changes due to background calculation. This would only occur in cases with multiple WorkbookViews after one of the WorkbookVIews was disposed (
Fixed IRR to return an error instead of a rate which yields a relatively high NPV for certain cases which previously returned the rate (
Improved sorting performance for certain large cases (
Fixed an issue which caused the display of data validation listboxes to be delayed in some cases (
Fixed NullReferenceException when rendering transparent text in WPF control (
Fixed a problem with Undo sometimes failng after changing row or column size with shapes that are in a fixed position or have a fixed size on a worksheet (
Fixed the WorkbookView scrollbar split panes position to update when the zoom is changed (
Fixed an issue with IRange.Find which caused it to find cells in the wrong order on worksheets with autofilters for some cases with SearchOrder.ByColumns (
Fixed an issue which caused an exception to be thrown when scrolling a WorkbookView with certain combinations of frozen panes and merged cells (
Fixed an issue with CHOOSE which caused an exception to be thrown if the specified index is >= 2147483648.0 (
Improved numeric stability for IRR with a large numbers of values (
Fixed IWorksheetWindowInfo SplitRows, SplitColumns, SplitHorizontal and SplitVertical properties to allow larger values as Excel does (
Improved handling of IRR and XIRR for cases where the final accumulated rate is very small (close to -1) or very large (
Changed reading Open XML workbooks to ignore chart data cache items with invalid index numbers instead of throwing an exception (
Fixed SpreadsheetGear for .NET Framework and SpreadsheetGear for Silverlight installers to work on Azure AD Joined devices using Azure AD credentials (
Updated InstallShield to use new digital certificate timestamp server for SpreadsheetGear installers (
Fixed an issue with autofilter dropdown menus which could cause an exception to be thrown in certain cases when the active worksheet is deleted or the active workbook is closed (
Fixed an issue which sometimes caused exceptions when IWorkbookSet.CalculationOnDemand is changed from false to true after a workbook set has been calculated (
Fixed an issue with adding defined names which sometimes caused a worksheet specific defined name to be incorrectly added instead of a global defined name (
Fixed an issue with circular reference iteration not iterating on the first recalc when there are multiple independent circular reference paths (
Fixed an issue which caused workbooks saved by SpreadsheetGear to .xls that contain shapes with background image fills to be opened by Excel in protected mode (
Fixed some problems with rendering of conditional format color scales when the low value matches the mid-point value and the cell value is <= to the mid-point value (
Improved performance for certain cases with very large numbers of unique formulas (
Fixed an issue which caused an exception to be thrown in some cases when the NUMFILE option of the INFO function is evaluated when a WorkbookView is attached to the workbook set (
Fixed an issue which caused defined name comments to not be copied when copying across worksheets or workbooks (
Fixed the CELL("width", ...) worksheet function to recalculate when column widths or column hidden state is changed, and improved it to return a value which is closer to the result returned from IRange.ColumnWidth (
Fixed reading CSV and text files to put text with a leading '=' into cells as text if they cannot be parsed as valid formulas (
Fixed SpreadsheetGear Help to work on systems which only have Visual Studio 2019 installed (
Fixed issues with Mouse wheel not scrolling to the top visible row in certain cases (
Fixed an issue with WPF MessageDialog hanging applications after switching apps (such as Alt-Tabbing) away and back to the application (
Changed to ignore empty chart formula elements when reading Open XML (
Fixed to no longer throw an exception when using multiple formula bars with multiple WorkbookView controls attached to the same workbook set (
Fixed formatting of dates and times to format negative dates and times as Excel does when using the Date1904 date time format (
Fixed problems with AutoFill when freeze panes is enabled (
Added workaround for customer workbook which has missing 'cellStyle' element in the styles part of an Open XML workbook (
Fixed a problem where the INDEX function sometimes returned incorrect results in array formulas for cases where arguments to INDEX are missing (
Fixed a problem with IFERROR which caused it to fail to recognize errors and therefore return an incorrect result in some cases cases involving array formulas (
Fixed a problem which caused null reference exceptions in the Windows Forms WorkbookView control in certain cases with .NET Framework 4.8 (
Fixed an issue which caused defined names to return #NAME! in certain complex workbooks (
Fixed a WPF FormulaBar issue which occurred when entering formulas with the keyboard along with the mouse to drag for cell references (
Fixed performance issues with smoothed chart series lines when the lines would have created a large number of line segments outside of the plot area (
Fixed a bug with the FIXED function which caused it to return an incorrect result for some locales (
Improved IRR to return better results with leading zeros in the specified values (
Fixed a problem which caused conditional formats to sometimes fail to render correctly when changes are made to non-formula cells (
Fixed an issue which caused AVERAGEIF to return an invalid error value leading to exceptions when the result is painted (
Fixed a problem with sorting rows when there are multiple hyperlinks in each row or sorting columns when there are multiple hyperlinks in each column (
Changed Factory.SetSignedLicense to no longer throw an exception if it is called more than once with the same license (
Fixed issues with Auto Filters not filtering correctly when cell color is default auto color (
Fixed a problem which caused an exception to be thrown if there was leading or trailing whitespace around certain numbers in an Open XML document (
Fixed an issue which caused bad xls files to be written when there is a reference to another workbook with a large number of worksheets (
Fixed charts to repaint when rows or columns are collapsed or expanded using outline controls (
Fixed an issue which caused some Unicode characters to be lost when written to tab delimited text files (
Fixed an issue which sometimes caused array formulas to be corrupted when a Find and Replace modifies an array formula (
Fixed to read xls workbooks with formulas containing certain invalid external references, replacing the invalid reference with #N/A as Excel does (
Added a workaround to allow reading certain .xls workbooks written by Excel 2019 with invalid workbook streams (
Added a workaround to read Open XML workbooks with certain invalid cell formatting records (
Fixed IFERROR to not return arrays in non-array-formula cells (
Fix SUMIFS, COUNTIFS and AVERAGEIFS issue when there is a combination of one criteria with a logical operator (such as '">=1"') and another criteria with an array (such as '{ "a", "b", "c" }') (
Fixed a problem which caused SpreadsheetGear to write an invalid Open XML document when writing a workbook with fractional numbers in conditional formats from a thread with a decimal separator other than '.' (
Fixed an issue with COUNTIFS, SUMIFS and AVERAGEIFS which caused incorrect results when there are criteria with empty cells at the end of a column followed by more criteria columns which are not empty cells (
Fixed the Workbook Designer to show an error if you try to open a workbook such as "C:\a\Hello.xlsx" when you already have "C:\b\Hello.xlsx" open (
Fixed an issue which caused an exception to be thrown when reading a shape object with a zero length text record with font runs from a .xls workbook (
Fixed an issue which caused merged cells to sometimes be lost when inserting or deleting cells (
Fixed an issue which caused an exception to be thrown when using CopyFromDataTable with no data rows (
Fixed to no longer allow formulas such as "=ABS(2+)" to be considered valid formulas (
Fixed priority order issue when copying conditional formats from one worksheet to another (
Added support for the deprecated built in Excel styles "Emphasis 1", "Emphasis 2" and "Emphasis 3" (
Fixed an issue which caused copying of column widths to sometimes give incorrect results (
Fixed a problem which caused Excel to be unable to read certain very large workbooks (
Fixed an issue which caused an exception to be thrown in some cases after a worksheet is deleted from a workbook which has multiple IWorkbookWindoInfos (
Fixed to read Open XML workbooks which contain images with a mix of uppercase and lower case file extensions (such as "a.jpg" and "b.JPG") (
Fixed an issue which occasionally caused some formula cells not to repaint when scrolling and modifying formulas at the same time (