SpreadsheetGear 2023
IRange Interface Methods

SpreadsheetGear Namespace : IRange Interface

For a list of all members of this type, see IRange members.

Public Methods
 MethodSets the active cell of the worksheet associated with this IRange to the top-left cell of this IRange.  
 MethodAdds a single comment with the specified text to the single cell represented by this range.  
 MethodAutomatically fills the destination range given the starting values from this range and the specified AutoFillType.  
 MethodOverloaded. Adds autofilter dropdowns to the columns of the specified range if none exist, or removes autofilter dropdowns if they do exist.  
 MethodAutomatically sets the width of the specified columns or the height of the specified rows.  
 MethodClears formulas, values and all formatting from the current IRange.  
 MethodClears all comments associated with any cells in this range.  
 MethodClears formulas and values from the current IRange.  
 MethodClears all formatting from the current IRange.  
 MethodClears the specified represented row or column outline levels, or all outline levels of the associated worksheet if this range does not represent rows or columns.  
 MethodOverloaded. Copies the cells, rows and/or columns of the current IRange to the destination IRange.  
 MethodCopies values, formulas and formats in the top row of the range to subsequent rows.  
 MethodCopies the specified DataTable to this range.  
 MethodCopies values, formulas and formats in the left column of the range to subsequent columns.  
 MethodFill this range with a data series based on the specified type and options.  
 MethodOverloaded. Deletes cells, rows or columns, shifting remaining cells left or up and fixing up formulas.  
 MethodCopies from the top row of this range to the remaining rows.  
 MethodCopies from the right column of this range to the preceding columns.  
 MethodCopies from the left column of this range to the remaining columns.  
 MethodCopies from the bottom row of this range to the preceding rows.  
 MethodSearches for the specified text according to the specified options, and returns an IRange representing the found cell or null if no cell is found.  
 MethodReturns an IRange representing the next or previous unlocked and visible cell or null if no such cell is found.  
 MethodReturns a string representing the address of the range.  
 MethodReturns the zero based instance of IRange specified by index.  
 MethodReturns an instance of ICharacters which represents a range of characters belonging to a text cell.  
 MethodReturns a newly created data set from the cells referred to by this IRange.  
 MethodReturns a newly created data table from the cells referred to by this IRange.  
 Method (Inherited from System.Collections.IEnumerable)
 MethodAttempts to achieve the specified goal, from the calculated result of the formula in the cell represented by this IRange, by modifying the specified changingCell using a simple iterative linear search.  
 MethodIncrements the OutlineLevel of the specified rows or columns.  
 MethodOverloaded. Inserts rows or columns by shifting rows down or columns right and fixing up formulas and formats.  
 MethodReturns a new range which consists of the intersection of this range and range2, or null if the ranges do not intersect.  
 MethodMerges the cells in the represented range into a single merged cell.  
 MethodReturns a copy of the current IRange which is offset by the specified number of rows and columns.  
 MethodAttempts to replace the specified text according to the specified options, returning the number of replacements if successful or zero if not successful.  
 MethodSaves this range using the specified filename and FileFormat, and updates the FullName property.  
 MethodSaves this range to a newly created memory buffer in the specified FileFormat.  
 MethodSaves this range to a stream in the specified FileFormat.  
 MethodSets the current selection of the worksheet associated with the this range to the cells in this range.  
 MethodSorts the cells represented by this range according to the specified options.  
 MethodReturns a new range which consists of this range with range2 removed, or null if the resulting range is empty.  
 MethodSets up this range as a data table calculation range with the specified row input cell, column input cell or both.  
 MethodDecrements the OutlineLevel of the specified rows or columns.  
 MethodReturns a new range which consists of the union of this range and range2.  
 MethodConverts merged cells in the represented range to normal cells.  
See Also


IRange Interface
SpreadsheetGear Namespace
Cells Property