| Name | Description |
| Activate | Sets the active cell of the worksheet associated with this IRange to the top-left cell of this IRange. |
| AddComment | Adds a single comment with the specified text to the single cell represented by this range. |
| AutoFill | Automatically fills the destination range given the starting values from this range and the specified AutoFillType. |
| AutoFilter | Overloaded. Adds autofilter dropdowns to the columns of the specified range if none exist, or removes autofilter dropdowns if they do exist. |
| AutoFit | Automatically sets the width of the specified columns or the height of the specified rows. |
| Clear | Clears formulas, values and all formatting from the current IRange. |
| ClearComments | Clears all comments associated with any cells in this range. |
| ClearContents | Clears formulas and values from the current IRange. |
| ClearFormats | Clears all formatting from the current IRange. |
| ClearOutline | Clears the specified represented row or column outline levels, or all outline levels of the associated worksheet if this range does not represent rows or columns. |
| Copy | Overloaded. Copies the cells, rows and/or columns of the current IRange to the destination IRange. |
| CopyDown | Copies values, formulas and formats in the top row of the range to subsequent rows. |
| CopyFromDataTable | Copies the specified DataTable to this range. |
| CopyRight | Copies values, formulas and formats in the left column of the range to subsequent columns. |
| DataSeries | Fill this range with a data series based on the specified type and options. |
| Delete | Overloaded. Deletes cells, rows or columns, shifting remaining cells left or up and fixing up formulas. |
| FillDown | Copies from the top row of this range to the remaining rows. |
| FillLeft | Copies from the right column of this range to the preceding columns. |
| FillRight | Copies from the left column of this range to the remaining columns. |
| FillUp | Copies from the bottom row of this range to the preceding rows. |
| Find | Searches for the specified text according to the specified options, and returns an IRange representing the found cell or null if no cell is found. |
| FindUnlockedAndVisible | Returns an IRange representing the next or previous unlocked and visible cell or null if no such cell is found. |
| GetAddress | Returns a string representing the address of the range. |
| GetArea | Returns the zero based instance of IRange specified by index. |
| GetCharacters | Returns an instance of ICharacters which represents a range of characters belonging to a text cell. |
| GetDataSet | Returns a newly created data set from the cells referred to by this IRange. |
| GetDataTable | Returns a newly created data table from the cells referred to by this IRange. |
| GetEnumerator | (Inherited from System.Collections.IEnumerable) |
| GoalSeek | Attempts to achieve the specified goal, from the calculated result of the formula in the cell represented by this IRange, by modifying the specified changingCell using a simple iterative linear search. |
| Group | Increments the OutlineLevel of the specified rows or columns. |
| Insert | Overloaded. Inserts rows or columns by shifting rows down or columns right and fixing up formulas and formats. |
| Intersect | Returns a new range which consists of the intersection of this range and range2, or null if the ranges do not intersect. |
| Merge | Merges the cells in the represented range into a single merged cell. |
| Offset | Returns a copy of the current IRange which is offset by the specified number of rows and columns. |
| Replace | Attempts to replace the specified text according to the specified options, returning the number of replacements if successful or zero if not successful. |
| SaveAs | Saves this range using the specified filename and FileFormat, and updates the FullName property. |
| SaveToMemory | Saves this range to a newly created memory buffer in the specified FileFormat. |
| SaveToStream | Saves this range to a stream in the specified FileFormat. |
| Select | Sets the current selection of the worksheet associated with the this range to the cells in this range. |
| Sort | Sorts the cells represented by this range according to the specified options. |
| Subtract | Returns a new range which consists of this range with range2 removed, or null if the resulting range is empty. |
| Table | Sets up this range as a data table calculation range with the specified row input cell, column input cell or both. |
| Ungroup | Decrements the OutlineLevel of the specified rows or columns. |
| Union | Returns a new range which consists of the union of this range and range2. |
| UnMerge | Converts merged cells in the represented range to normal cells. |