The following tables list the members exposed by ITextFrame.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | AutoMargins | Deprecated - this property is no longer supported by Excel 2007 or by SpreadsheetGear. |
 | AutoMarginsDefined | Returns true if the AutoMargins property of all shapes represented by this ITextFormat is the same, otherwise false is returned. |
 | AutoSize | Gets or sets the property which specifies whether the size of the associated shape will increase to display all of the text in the shape. |
 | AutoSizeDefined | Returns true if the AutoSize property of all shapes represented by this ITextFormat is the same, otherwise false is returned. |
 | Characters | Returns an instance of ICharacters representing all of the text associated with a shape. |
 | HorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of this text frame. |
 | HorizontalAlignmentDefined | Returns true if the HorizontalAlignment property of all shapes represented by this ITextFormat is the same, otherwise false is returned. |
 | LockText | Gets or sets the property which specifies whether text will be locked when sheet protection is enabled. |
 | LockTextDefined | Returns true if the LockText property of all shapes represented by this ITextFormat is the same, otherwise false is returned. |
 | MarginBottom | Gets or sets the size of the bottom margin of this text frame in points. |
 | MarginBottomDefined | Returns true if the MarginBottom property of all shapes represented by this ITextFormat is the same, otherwise false is returned. |
 | MarginLeft | Gets or sets the size of the left margin of this text frame in points. |
 | MarginLeftDefined | Returns true if the MarginLeft property of all shapes represented by this ITextFormat is the same, otherwise false is returned. |
 | MarginRight | Gets or sets the size of the right margin of this text frame in points. |
 | MarginRightDefined | Returns true if the MarginRight property of all shapes represented by this ITextFormat is the same, otherwise false is returned. |
 | MarginTop | Gets or sets the size of the top margin of this text frame in points. |
 | MarginTopDefined | Returns true if the MarginTop property of all shapes represented by this ITextFormat is the same, otherwise false is returned. |
 | Orientation | Gets or sets the text orientation of this text frame. |
 | OrientationDefined | Returns true if the Orientation property of all shapes represented by this ITextFormat is the same, otherwise false is returned. |
 | VerticalAlignment | Gets or sets the vertical alignment of this text frame. |
 | VerticalAlignmentDefined | Returns true if the VerticalAlignment property of all shapes represented by this ITextFormat is the same, otherwise false is returned. |
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
 | GetCharacters | Returns an instance of ICharacters representing the specified text associated with a shape. |
See Also