SpreadsheetGear 2023
IShape Interface Properties

SpreadsheetGear.Shapes Namespace : IShape Interface

For a list of all members of this type, see IShape members.

Public Properties
 PropertyGets or sets the auto shape type of this shape.  
 PropertyGets an instance of IRange representing the cell under the lower right corner of this shape.  
 PropertyReturns the instance of IChart associated with this shape or null if there is no chart associated with this shape.  
 PropertyGets an instance of IControlFormat representing the control options of this shape, or null if this shape does not represent a control.  
 PropertyReturns the IFactory which created this object or its parent. (Inherited from SpreadsheetGear.IFactoryChild)
 PropertyGets an instance of IFillFormat which represents the fill options of this shape.  
 PropertyGets the FormControlType of this shape.  
 PropertyGets an IGroupShapes which represents the flattened shapes making up a group, or null if this shape does not represent a group.  
 PropertyReturns true if there is a chart associated with this shape.  
 PropertyGets or sets the height of this shape in points.  
 PropertyGets the flag which indicates whether this shape is flipped horizontally.  
 PropertyGets the id of this shape.  
 PropertyReturns whether this shape is a child of a group.  
 PropertyReturns true if this shape has been disposed.  
 PropertyGets or sets the position of the left edge of this shape (from the left edge of the sheet) in points.  
 PropertyGets an instance of ILineFormat which represents the line options of this shape.  
 PropertyGets or sets the flag which indicates whether the aspect ratio of this shape is locked.  
 PropertyGets or sets the flag which indicates whether this shape can be modified when sheet protection is enabled.  
 PropertyGets or sets the name of this shape.  
 PropertyReturns the parent shape of this shape if this shape is part of a group, or returns null if this shape is not part of a group.  
 PropertyReturns an IPictureFormat which represents the picture format options of this shape, or null if this shape does not represent a picture.  
 PropertyGets or sets the Placement setting of this shape, which specifies how changes to the sheet will affect the placement of this shape.  
 PropertyGets or sets the property which specifies whether this shape should be printed.  
 PropertyGets the ISheet associated with the represented shape.  
 PropertyReturns an ITextFrame which represents the text options of a shape.  
 PropertyGets or sets the position of the top edge of this shape (from the top edge of the sheet) in points.  
 PropertyGets an SpreadsheetGear.IRange representing the cell under the upper left corner of this shape.  
 PropertyGets the type of this shape.  
 PropertyGets the flag which indicates whether this shape is flipped vertically.  
 PropertyGets the flag which specifies whether this shape is visible.  
 PropertyGets or sets the width of this shape in points.  
 PropertyGets the zero based Z-Order position of this shape which corresponds to this shapes position in it's parent shape collection.  
See Also


IShape Interface
SpreadsheetGear.Shapes Namespace
IShapes Interface