SpreadsheetGear 2023
IFormatCondition Interface Properties

SpreadsheetGear Namespace : IFormatCondition Interface

For a list of all members of this type, see IFormatCondition members.

Public Properties
 PropertyReturns the instance of IAboveAverage associated with this conditional format or null if there is no AboveAverage associated with this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns an instance of IRange which represents the range that this conditional format applies to.  
 PropertyReturns an instance of IBorders which represents the borders of this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns the instance of IColorScale associated with this conditional format or null if there is no ColorScale associated with this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns the instance of IDatabar associated with this conditional format or null if there is no Databar associated with this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns the date operator of this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns an instance of IFont which represents the font of this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns the first formula of this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns the second formula of this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns the instance of IIconSetCondition associated with this conditional format or null if there is no IconSetCondition associated with this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns an instance of IInterior which represents the background color of this conditional format.  
 PropertyGets or sets the number format of this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns the operator of this conditional format.  
 PropertyGets or sets a value which determines if conditional formats should stop evaluating if this conditional format evaluates to True.  
 PropertyReturns the comparison text for this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns the text operator of this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns the instance of ITop10 associated with this conditional format or null if there is no Top10 associated with this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns the type of this conditional format.  
 PropertyReturns the instance of IUniqueValues associated with this conditional format or null if there is no UniqueValues associated with this conditional format.  
See Also


IFormatCondition Interface
SpreadsheetGear Namespace