The following tables list the members exposed by IDocumentProperty.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | Name | Gets or sets the name of this document property (built-in property names cannot not be changed). |
 | Parent | Gets the parent custom or built-in properties collection of this property. |
 | Value | Gets or sets the value of this document property which must be an instance of System.String with a length of 255 characters or less, System.DateTime on or after January 1st, 1901, System.Boolean, System.Int32 or a valid System.Double (see SpreadsheetGear.Advanced.Cells.IValues.ValidateNumber(ref double)). Custom properties never return null and may not be set to null. Builtin properties may return null if they are undefined and may be set to null. All retunred DateTime's will be DateTimeKind.Utc, and non-Utc DateTime's will be converted to DateTimeKind.Utc at the time they are set. |
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
 | Delete | Deletes this document property from the workbook. |
See Also